
Expert Answer Forum

Witchcraft QUESTION from Ellen May 1, 1999 I am a current Wiccan, and i would just like to know who it is that is really Satan. One thing is for sure, and that is that Satan does deceive. The mind of a god is far smarter than the mind of a human, so therefor, how do we know which is deceiving us?...

On by Catherine Frakas 0 Comments

Expert Answer Forum

The South Gate QUESTION from Chris May 3, 1999 After the recent Colorado murders, I've been hearing a lot about the south gate being opened, wicca and paganism. Is there any truth to this and could you offer a little insight into this topic? Thanks, Chris ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius on May 7, 1999 Dear Chris: I am not immediately familiar with...

On by Catherine Frakas 0 Comments

Expert Answer Forum

Iridology QUESTION from Michelle May 6, 1999 Is there anything wrong with consulting an iridologist for health reasons? Some members of my family have seen one. In a book written by a priest regarding the New Age Movement, he lists iridology as being part of that movement but he does not explain why it is part of it. Any clarification on this...

On by Catherine Frakas 0 Comments

Expert Answer Forum

incubus QUESTION from lucy May 8, 1999 hi!i hope you can help my.i am catholic,living in canada.when my husband go work i feel that somebody or something is looking at my,it's something evil.that happens when i am half-asleep,i can't wake-up but i feel this thing.the only thing that i can do is to pray God to help me.then this thing go away.my...

On by Catherine Frakas 0 Comments

Expert Answer Forum

Attachment of spirits QUESTION from Michelle May 11, 1999 Can evil spirits attach themselves to inanimate objects? If they can, what can a person do about it? ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius on May 12, 1999 Dear Miss Michelle: Yes, they can. We know that demons an infect animals from Scripture when the demons asked Jesus to send them to the heard of...

On by Catherine Frakas 0 Comments

Expert Answer Forum

Reiki QUESTION from Ed May 12, 1999 Can you tell me if there is anything wrong with Reiki? ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius on May 13, 1999 Dear Ed: Reiki is yet another one of the Eastern Healing philosophies based upon a pantheistic theology and god of self. In the literature of the International Center for Reiki Training we find the typical claims...

On by Catherine Frakas 0 Comments

Expert Answer Forum

Witches QUESTION from Roy Forker May 13, 1999 In a chatroom I frequent, a professed witch shows up from time to time and although a rather mild mannered witch usually someone quotes Scripture saying we are not to speak with a witch except to admonish and recommend repentance. Although it's a Christian chatroom, the discussion gets quite hot and heavy. My question...

On by Catherine Frakas 0 Comments