SPCDC Spiritual Warfare BBS - Angel at the Nursing Home?
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Author Topic Rebecca Administrator USA 1052 Posts
Posted - 08/24/2008 : 4:03:23 PM
My grandmother has been in the nursing home for several years following a major stroke she had in 2002. Mom tried to keep her at home, but Memaw needed round-the-clock care which she got to a point she could no longer provide. Shortly after Memaw went into the nursing home, Mom had knee surgery and had a severe reaction to the anesthesia, and has never fully recovered. Her doctor has told her he would supply whatever documentation needed for her to go on full disability, but Mom chooses to continue to work despite her pain and muscle weekness. Throughout all of this, Mom has continued to visit Memaw daily. On Fridays, Mass is celebrated at the nursing home. Mom goes each week to take Memaw to Mass. This is a major production as Memaw is totally incapacitated physically, mostly blind, is going deaf, and is on oxygen and a feeding tube since she can no longer swallow. She can talk a little, but that is about all she can do with her body. The nursing home will put Memaw in the wheelchair, but Mom has to roll her down two long hallways, get her on and off the elevator and wheel her to the area where Mass is held in the assisted living area on the other side of the complex. This is a difficult even for me to do on Fridays when I am off work and can join them. How my mother does this every week in her condition is amazing. On Friday, we learned that Memaw has breast cancer. Given her condition, that she is already slowly dying, chemotherapy would serve no purpose other than to destroy what little quality of life Memaw has left. Mom and her brother are choosing not to treat the cancer. Today, Mom called to tell me that she was reading to Memaw today from one of her favorite books, Moments with the Savior by Ken Gire. While she was reading, she felt a definite presence next to her. She would turn to look, and it would leave. She would go back to reading and the presence would return. She never could look at it directly to see what it was. The presence continued to stay while Mom was reading, and then left when she was finished. Mom asked what I thought it was. I told her, given the circumstances, I thought it was either her or Memaw's guardian angel. Your thoughts?
RebeccaSeek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand. -Saint Augustine
ClareFrancis Squire USA 166 Posts
Posted - 08/24/2008 : 8:22:53 PM
Hi, Rebecca,I agree with you that it's either your Memaw's guardian angel or your mom's. At first, I thought it might be Jesus given the book your mom was reading. However, the presence would leave once attention was turned to it and this sounds more like something an angel would do. They don't seek attention for themselves. I believe that if we see or experience an angel, our seeing and/or experiencing is part of the message the angel is giving. The messenger is an arrow pointing to God and His glory.
ClareI am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God Who is sending a love letter to the world.~ Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Joanne Inquirer USA 38 Posts
Posted - 08/25/2008 : 07:33:19 AM
Hi Rebecca,The faith of your mom and grandmother sharing Moments with the Savior brought heavenly comfort to them.Joanne
Glory Be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit
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