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The Village
Favorite Websites
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Welcome to our New Village. Please forgive the inconvenience while we work on the construction of the new Village.
The Village is a community of websites to which we recommend. Unless otherwise noted the websites listed in The Village are 100% loyal and obedient to the Pope and Magisterium in union with him in both fact and spirit.
If there are any websites that are not loyal Catholics or that are non-Catholic but we recommend the site for some specific purpose or useful resource, this will be noted in the listing.
Disclaimer: It is not possible to thoroughly check every page of the websites listed in our Village. By clicking on the link to listed websites you are leaving our website. We are not responsible for the content on listed websites. If you find one of the listed sites to be objectionable to the Catholic Church, her teaching, or to the Catholic Worldview (that we have not already accounted for in our listing), please Contact Us.