SPCDC Spiritual Warfare BBS - Fr. Euteneuer on the Elections: Part I
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Author Topic Rebecca Administrator USA 1143 Posts
Posted - 11/21/2008 : 1:28:50 PM
Part I: We Have No King But Caesar
The following is the first of a three-part series on the 2008 Elections. In the next two weeks we will deal with issues of Culture and Conscience.Now that the election is over, we can separate the real Catholics from those who just act the part. Those still reeling from the results of the election can rest assured that they are in good company with the saints. Those who have drawn a line in blood and made a decision to stand with the culture of death need a serious examination of conscience. Now look at what we’ve done to ourselves. America has made her “choice†for maximum leader and it is not pretty. In fact, it is one of the most devastating blows to American civilization that we have ever undergone, and I do not speak in hyperbole. Even such a saintly figure as Mother Theresa said that “a nation that kills its children has no future;†likewise, an authority like Fr. Benedict Groeschel recently commented that we have entered into “the beginning of the twilight†of our country—dire words that touch on the reality of electing the most extreme, pro-abortion candidate America has ever had the misfortune of occupying the highest office of our land.This has happened before though. When the prophet Samuel complained to God that the people of Israel were asking for a king, the Lord God replied that they were not rejecting Samuel but were in actual fact rejecting God Himself, His sovereignty and His authority over them (cf. 1 Sam, ch. 8). He also told Samuel that the people would have to accept the consequences of their wicked desire, and as we know, the craven need to be like the surrounding pagan nations was a bitter pill for them to swallow. The people of Israel echoed that rejection of their God more than a thousand years later when the King of Kings and Lord of Lords stood before them in Herod’s derisive purple robe and the people shouted, this time with vehemence: “We have no king but Caesar!†In essence, we have chosen a Barabbas over Christ—again.And choices have consequences they say. The consequences of this election will be imprinted upon our national conscience for years to come, one of which is that, by electing abortion extremists to rule over us, both in the Presidency and in the Congress, we have now lost the blessing promised in Psalm 41:1-4—“Happy those concerned for the lowly and the poor; when misfortune strikes, the Lord delivers them. The Lord keeps and preserves them, makes them happy in the land, and does not betray them to their enemies. The Lord sustains them on their sickbed.†It is hard for Americans to imagine that a land so consecrated could be shriven of that blessing. Yet, we have made our sickbed and we must lie in it.This did not happen, though, without dire and prolonged warnings about the institutionalization of evil. We can’t say we were not warned. When moral persuasion about the killing of innocents did not work, rational science was our witness. When science was ignored and then co-opted for the works of death, AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases came to awaken people’s consciences, but these did little better. God then had to allow such an onslaught of terrorism, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, wildfires, earthquakes and tsunamis in the past decade that He surely thought we would wake up to the deadly reality of the culture of death and repent. When that didn’t happen, He hit us in the most sensitive spot on the human body: our wallets. The gas price hikes and the recent financial meltdown surely would do the trick, He thought, but apparently that did not work either because our people adamantly refused to be deterred at any price from our lust for abortion and put into office all those who would serve the interests of this unholy agenda for decades to come. Alas, we all need to get on our knees and repent from the very depths of our hearts for the plague that we have just invited onto our beloved nation.At the same time, my friends, despite the dismal picture, this is a time to thank Almighty God for the gifts of life, love and family that we have been given. It is also the time to seriously engage in efforts to take the culture back so that eventually our politics will follow the growth of a new pro-life culture from the seeds we are planting today. Source: Human Life International. Reprinted with Permission. Carol Squire USA 152 Posts
Posted - 11/23/2008 : 4:37:13 PM
Fr. Euteneuer talks of the United States failing to respond to warning signs of God's impending judgment upon our nation. Tough times periodically happen in every age, so I don't think we can necessarily determine that we are, indeed, entering a period of divine judgment. However, I sadly agree that we do deserve God's judgment for our transgressions against the unborn and our deteriorating morality. We just elected the most anti-life, liberal president in US history. I wouldn't be surprised if God decides He's simply had enough and withdraws His blessings and protections.Which leads me to consider this question: How can God's judgment draw people back to Him if they won't acknowledge even to themselves that they are sinners and deserving of punishment? It is classically said there are no atheists in foxholes, and I do believe that people instinctually seek God, but it seems there is something deeply broken in our society. Many people I know describe themselves as sincere Christians, at least in the sense of praying regularly, frequently going to church, and conducting respectable lives of generosity and kindness. But they seem to have a curtain of moral and spiritual blindness drawn over them that prevents them from recognizing and obeying Truth. They don't want to see that there are intrinsically evil sins, such as direct abortion, that cannot be overlooked, cooperated with, or tolerated under any circumstances. They are bewildered and angered by the moral precept that a desirable outcome never justifies using immoral means to achieve it. They think it is charming and humble to admit that they don't have all the answers and are turned off by arrogant people who think they do.How can those caught up in the delusion of moral relativism, who see themselves as the genuine good guys, possibly respond to God's judgment should it come? I wonder what it would take to make such Christians reevaluate their lives and moral beliefs? Topic New Topic Reply to Topic Printer Friendly
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