
Coloring Pages

Coloring Pages Please feel free to print out these image and color them as you like! We will add one or two every week and special pictures for feast days. Bookmark this page and watch for updates! The Nativity The Presentation Flight Into Eqypt Boy Jesus in the Temple Kiss of Judas Pentecost Thomas Meets Jesus

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Information Brochure Blessed Mother, pray for us.St. Michael the Archangel, protect us.Sts. Francis, Montfort, Ignatius, Benedict,and all the saints of our Charism, pray for us. 1111 S. Sheridan Ave.Ottumwa, IA 52501641.226.5257Email Address: Go to Webform He who wants to win the world for Christmust have the courage to come into conflict with it.--Blessed Titus Brandsma Show Big Calendar Legion of St. Michael...

On by Catherine Frakas 0 Comments

CP Notice

COPYRIGHT NOTICE The original writings, documents, graphics, files, software, code, and other materials (materials) published by the Order of the Legion of St. Michael on its official websites (Internet Sites) is copyrighted by the Order of the Legion of St. Michael. This copyright statement does not supersede any copyrights that may exist in the individual programs, files, file descriptions, graphics, or other...

On by Catherine Frakas 0 Comments


POLICY AGAINST HARASSMENT As a leading Web presence for Catholics on the Internet and as a religious organization, the Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael is committed to protecting visitors to our websites from Internet Stalking and Harassment. Put simply, we will not tolerate harassment. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to exchange ideas and views within the Netequette parameters established by our...

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SAINT-MIKE.ORG WEB SITESt. Michael's CallOrder of the Legion of St. Michael LINKS TO OTHER LEGAL NOTICES AND INFORMATION TERMS OF SERVICE and NOTICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN USER AND THE LEGION OF ST. MICHAEL This Web site, solely and exclusive owned and operated by the Order of the Legion of St. Michael (Legion of St. Michael), and its sub-sites and hosted sites is offered...

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St. Gabriel Communications Center Welcome to the Communications Center Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael 1111 S. Sheridan Ave.Ottumwa, Iowa 52501-5350 USA Voice Mail: 877.503.0600 ext. 1 (Country Code: 1) Please DO NOT email us using this Com Center if you wish to… 1) …ask for assistance/help for spiritual warfare (demonological) issues. If you need assistance in Spiritual Warfare matters, please go...

On by Catherine Frakas 0 Comments


MISSION STATEMENT The Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael is an independent and international prayer, evangelistic, apologetic, educational, and faith Association of lay Catholics. The Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael, as an association of Catholics brought together by private agreement amongst ourselves and reaching out to individuals worldwide, is not associated with any particular diocese. We do not, at this time,...

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