Spiritual Warfare Forum: does the pope know now when the things mentioned in revelations will take place
does the pope know now when the things mentioned in revelations will take place QUESTION from stephen wilis March 26, 2001 does the pope know when the events discribed in revelations will take place and can the church make sense of revelations anyway because its very difficult to follow and understand
regards stephen
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, OLSM on May 14, 2001 Dear Mr. Wilis:
The Pope does not know any more than anyone else about the events of Revelations as far as I know. No one know the date of the Second Coming, of course.
The best bet on understanding the Catholic view of Revelations is to get The Navarre Bible Commentary on Revelations and also listen to two programs on Catholic Answers with Scott Hahn.
Here are the links for the Scott Hahn presentations. (you must have Real Player to listen to these)
Part 1 Part 2
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