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EX who puts spells, etc QUESTION from Claudia December 1, 1998 Could you recommend any protection from my ex who puts spells on me and out 3 year old? He was heavily involved in the occult when I left him. He stated that up to the point when our daughter got baptised he had always rejected God! Before this he had acted like he would convert (he's not baptised), was investigating religion, etc. He told me later the he was the best con artist in the world! I was VERY involved in the church when we met, and he stated that everyone who gets involved with him he destroys. Anyhow, after my little girl was born I would have nightmares and awake suddenly and felt as if I was given an electric shock from an occult healer he visited!! Also, an egg with a painted face that he insisted that I hold once later gave me the strangest experience. I've stayed loyal to Our Lord (my ex accused me of being in love with Him - he got that right). Anyhow, he has accused me of everything under the sun through the court system (approx. $80,000 spent)- and not ending. What do you recommend I do to stop this? Its errie, but before my child turned 2, she went to the draw to get holy water to sprinkle on him when he came over!!! A film about the life of Our Lord flew across my bedroom as if someone smack it across the room several months ago - my daughter looked at me (than 2) and said how weird. I can go on and on. I can feel evil as if it goes through me sometimes. The Good News is that lately I've had beautiful dreams with the peace of God after having horrible evil dreams. ANY suggestions? I try saying a Rosary EVERY day, I work from 9-6, but try to make it to mass sometimes during the day. Since I am a single parent, I don't do much volunteer work anymore.....THANK YOU AND THANK GOD FOR THIS MINISTRY!!!!!
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius on December 5, 1998 Dear Clauda:
I wanted to spend some time in prayer before answering your question. To some degree your question goes beyond what I can deal with in this forum.
But in general, stay close to the Lord, maintain your devotions like the rosary, spend time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, go to Mass as often as you can.
In addition to this there are two specific suggestions I have:
1) Buy the CD (or cassette tape), Sleep Sound in Jesus by Michael Card. This music is truly annointed and will go a long way to rid your home of any evil spirits that might be there and to sooth your soul and that of your children. It is lulabeys but if you play this CD in the background on low volume it will do wonders. Playing this CD, for example, tends to quiet the soul, it tends to reduce tension between arguing parents or children. It is not magic of course, but the Music is so annointed and spiritual that it tends to have great spiritual and therepeutic effect.
2) Is to pray these prayers:
I claim the full victory that my Lord Jesus Christ won on the Cross for me. Having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross (Col. 2:15) His victory for my is my victory.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I renounce all the workings of Satan in my life in all its forms, whether brought into my life by my actions or by others. I break all attachments, ground, curses, spells, and rights Satan may have in my life whether such ground was gained through my actions or through others. Strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Blessed Michael the Archangel, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and all the Saints and Angels of Heaven, and powerful in the holy authority of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you Lord to command Satan and all his minions, whomever they may be, to get out of my life and stay out. With that authority I now take back the ground in my life gained by Satan through my sins, or through the actions of others. I reclaim this ground and my life for Christ. I now dedicate myself to the Lord Jesus Christ; I belong to Him alone. Amen.
And this prayer:
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Blessed Michael the Archangel, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and all the Saints and Angels of Heaven, and powerful in the holy authority of His name, and by my authority as head of the household, I come before You Heavenly Father to ask you to come against the powers of darkness causing (name whatever symptom). Come against these powers, O Lord, because of the power of my union with the Lord Jesus Christ. According to Your Word, O Lord, and through His precious blood I resist the devil and his minions.
I resist the devil and all of his workers by the Person and power of the Lord Jesus Christ. I submit myself and my household to the Lordship and control of the Lord Jesus, and ask you Father to bring the power of my(our) Lord's incarnation, His crucifixion, His resurrection, His ascension, His glorification, and His second coming directly to focus against all evil forces and all of the evil work against my household, myself, and my children. I claim my union with the Lord Jesus Christ, and I resist the devil; I resist the devil and all his minions, and I ask You heavenly Father to force these evil ones to flee from before the truth of God.
Further, O Lord, I ask You to bind together the whole kingdom of the evil one and to bind them from working, and finally to command all evil forces and their kingdom to leave my household and to go where the Lord Jesus Christ may sends them. Amen.
And this one for your ex-husband:
Heavenly Father, I bring before You and the Lord Jesus Christ one who is very dear to You and to me, [person's name] . I have come to see that Satan is blinding and binding him in awful bondage. He is in such a condition that he cannot or will not come to You for help on his own. I stand in for him in intercessory prayer before Your throne. I draw upon the Person of the Holy Spirit that He may guide me to pray in wisdom, power, and understanding.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Blessed Michael the Archangel, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and all the Saints and Angels of Heaven, and powerful in the holy authority of His Name, I ask You Heavenly Father to loose [person's name] from the awful bondage the powers of darkness are putting upon him; and to bind all powers of darkness set on destroying his life, binding them aside in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and forbidding them to work. Father, bind up all powers of depression that are seeking to cut [person's name] off and imprison him in a tomb of despondency; bind up all powers of delusion that are seeking to blind [person's name] and keep him from knowing the Truth and the will You have for him. [List other specific powers of darkness that may be in the person's life.]
I bring in prayer the focus of the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ directly upon [person's name] to his strengthening and help. I bring the mighty power of my Lord's incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, Ascension, and glorification directly against all forces of darkness seeking to destroy [person's name]. I ask the Holy Spirit to apply all of the mighty work of the Lord Jesus Christ directly against all forces of darkness seeking to destroy [person's name].
I pray, heavenly Father, that You may open [person's name] eyes of understanding. Remove all blindness and spiritual deafness from his heart. Comfort and still all emotions and thoughts of fear and hesitation
As a royal priest of God in [person's name] life, I plead Your mercy over his sins of failure and rebellion. I ask for mercy and forgiveness for the sins of [person's name] by which he has grieved You. I plead the sufficiency of the blood of Christ to meet the full penalty for which his sins deserve. I claim back the ground of his life which he has given to Satan by believing the enemy's deception. I claim all of his life united together in obedient love and service to the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Spirit of the living God focus His mighty work upon [person's name] to grant him repentance and to set him completely free from all that binds him.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I resist all of Satan's activity to hold [person's name] in blindness and darkness. Exercising my authority that is given to me in my union with the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you Lord to pull down the strongholds which the kingdom of darkness has formed against [person's name] and to smash and break and destroy all those plans formed against [person's name] mind, his will, his emotions, and his body. Destroy, O Lord, the spiritual blindness and deafness that Satan keeps upon him. I invite the Holy Spirit of God to bring the fullness of His power to convict, to bring to repentance, and to lead [person's name] into faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and to bring him to Your Church. Father, please break Satan's power to blind [person's name] to the truth of God.
Believing that Your Holy Spirit is leading me, I claim [person's name] for You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I thank You for the answer to my prayer. Grant me the grace to be persistent and faithful in my intercessions for [person's name], that You may be glorified through this deliverance. Amen.
We will be praying fo you.
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