Expert Answer Forum
Offering Up QUESTION from Geary May 23, 1999 I hear the expression of Offer it Up is there an appropriate prayer that goes along with offering up; pain, works, sacrfices, Masses etc, or a reference site. I have tried EWTN. no matches??? Thank-you Geary
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius on May 27, 1999 Dear Mr. Geary:
Thanks for your question.
To offer up your pain, suffering, sacrifices you can pray something like this (as an example):
Dear Heavenly Father, I offer up my pain and suffering to You for Your glory and purpose. You Son suffered oh so much for me; let me now suffer for Him. I release this pain to You. Show me your love and your will by it and if my suffering may help others in any way, please apply to them any grace that comes from my suffering and my offering. Thank You Lord and I praise You for giving me this privilege of suffering and offering it to You for Your glory and purpose. Amen Back to Index Page