Faith/Spirituality Forum: Why isn't the prayer to St. Michael said at the end of mass at my parish?
Why isn't the prayer to St. Michael said at the end of mass at my parish? QUESTION from Doug on February 5, 2003 I read your response to another question. You indicated that the prayer to St. Michael is commonly said at the end of mass.
I occasionally listen to EWTN daily mass, I noticed at the end of mass they recite the prayer to St. Michael.
Why isn't the prayer to St. Michael said at the end of Sunday or daily mass at my parish. Is this at the direction of my Archbishop here in Western Washington?
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, OLSM on February 10, 2003 Dear Doug:
Unfortunately the Prayer of St. Michael recited after Mass feel into disuse in the mid-60's or thereabouts.
The Prayer was NEVER a part of the Mass, it is a devotion AFTER the Mass.
No one is prevented from saying the St. Michael Prayer after Mass. One is free to do this.
The parish priest is free to encourage this and to lead the prayer after Mass if he wishes.
I would approach your parish priest and let him know that you would like to see this practice returned in your parish.
If he refuses to encourage or lead the prayer, then you are certainly free to say the Prayer yourself after Mass and to recruit other people to join you.
God Bless.
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