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parts of the Mass QUESTION from Shirley O'Connor August 30, 2000 AFter we say: May the Lord accept the Sacrifice at your hands, for the Praise and Glory of His Name, for our good, and the good of all His Church
are we to stand or remain seated? I am a convert to the Catholic Faith and I can remember that the people used to stand after these words were said.
Since we are all supposed to be one body, members of Christ, and Christ's Body is the church, it would seem only fitting to me that we stand.
Hope you can enlighten me.
Thank you.
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, O.L.S.M. on November 19, 2000 Dear Mrs. O'Connor:
The rubrics REQUIRE us to STAND right after we say, May the Lord accept the Sacrifice at your hands, for the Praise and Glory of His Name, for our good, and the good of all His Church
One note: obviously there might be some people who cannot stand because they are infirmed in some way that makes standing difficult or impossible. This is permissible of course. But the congregation as a whole should be standing after the Invitation to Prayer is finished and just as the Prayer over the gifts begins.
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