Liturgy & Liturgical Law Forum: Re: Predestination
Re: Predestination QUESTION from Campbell August 3, 2001
Regarding Father's question regarding predestination as seems to be implied by a passage of the Eucharistic Prayer:
I have spent a great deal of time pursuing Catholic apologetics, so I cannot give a specific source on this, suffice it to say that I read it in one of my many quite orthodox sources. What I read states that the Catholic Church, in its official stance, does acknowledge predestination, but acknowledges it as a mystery-that is to say, the way that God has predestined us is unknown and the subject of speculation. It is also clear that although multiple theories may be held regarding how predestination may occur, the Catholic Church is emphatic on the point that any theory that denies individual free will is to be rejected.
One popular point of view states that any predestination that God sets is based upon foreknowledge, which seems to be affirmed by a passage from Saint Paul the Apostle (Romans, I believe, if I may paraphrase), Those whom He foreknew He also predestined, those whom He predestined He also justified, and those He justified He also glorified. Thus, God predestines us, according to this proposition, based upon His foreknowledge of the choices we will make-specifically, the choice to accept or reject the saving grace of Christ. One old friend (not even a Catholic, but provided a good example) put it like this: God knew Judas would kill his best friend; therefore, so that the plan of salvation might be fulfilled, He saw to it that Judas' best friend was Jesus. God did not cause Judas to betray Jesus, but He knew that Judas would do just that to his best friend, and so assigned him a place in His plan that would make his actions work toward the fulfillment of God's purpose. Thus, all things, good and bad,
Other ideas suggest that God predestines us in a way not determined by His foreknowledge, but I find it difficult to reconcile to the Catholic Church's affirmation that predestination does not violate man's free will. Indeed, it is sin, and not God, which weakens man's free will; if God's actionn can be said to do anything, it is to bring us freedom.
God bless your work.
ANSWER by Mr. Jacob Slavek on August 7, 2001
Dear Mr. Campbell,
I am pleased to pass this along to my readers. Thank you.
Mr. Slavek
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