Liturgy & Liturgical Law Forum: The Thing the Eucharist Goes Into
The Thing the Eucharist Goes Into QUESTION from Perry April 13, 2001 I haven't been to Good Friday mass in a long time, but I was talking with a friend and we remembered that the altar is stripped during this mass and the Eucharist is removed (maybe this happens on Holy Thursday)from a holder of some kind...not the has a very formal, possibly Latin name. Neither of us can remember the name of this object. I hope you can help.
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, OLSM on April 23, 2001 Dear Mrs.Perry:
It is after the Mass of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday that the altar is stripped and such. The Eucharist, as is sufficient for Communion Service on Friday (there is no Mass on Good Friday), is reserved either in a closed Tabernacle or a pyx or ciborium.
All hosts should be consumed at Communion Service on Good Friday and the tabernacle left empty until the Vigil Mass of Easer. Bro. Ignatius
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