David Bay: Cutting Edge Ministries
David Bay – Director of Cutting Edge Ministries, a former Army Intelligence Officer (I guess he lost his skills of investigation), founded his own personal Baptist Church and now is director of Cuttingedge. CuttingEdge Response to our identifying them as a hate site:
Interestingly enough, the Legion of St. Michael web site carries this slogan: He who wants to win the world to Christ must have the courage to come into conflict with it. They read the content of our web site, were offended by what they correctly perceive to be anti-Catholic teaching, and then accused us of hatred! Could we not legitimately reciprocate? They have initiated conflict with us by informing us that they consider what we have said to be an expression of hatred. Is there anyone out there who is so naive as to believe the Catholic Church loves all Protestants? The countless millions of victims of the various Inquisitions would not agree! I freely confess to a certain amount of animosity toward Catholic dogma–teaching that is in direct conflict with the Word of God as expressed in the Bible–but with God as Witness (and I know that I speak for the entire staff of Cutting Edge Ministries), we do not harbor any hatred toward anyone! We have no desire whatever to inflict pain and/or suffering upon anyone or to get even with them. We certainly would never invoke the words contained within this email I recently received from a Catholic: {Note: just to be clear the following quote from a Catholic was not from Bro. Ignatius} …but then you are not Christians, you are harlots. I wish upon all wishes that you will rot in hell for the shame you brought upon the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. I wish upon you the hate that you wish upon men (and women) of good will. When you die, may your death be as painful as that you wish upon others. My your last days be filled with the bitterness you wish upon others. May you rot in hell, with no chance of redemption, and be confined beyond the abyss, never to torment God’s children upon this place we call Earth. And this guy had the audacity to accuse us of hatred! When I exressed (sic) our sentiments to the Brother Ignatius mentioned earlier, his response was BULL! May God convict their hearts of the hypocrisy of their assertions. And may He forgive us and keep our hearts clear of any wrong feelings toward others. But, End Times prophecy is being fulfilled here. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. [2 Timothy 4:3-5] Certainly, Roman Catholicism is full of pagan myths and fables taken from such disparate Satanic Mysteries religions as the Babylonians and Egyptians, and many others. Catholic teachers turn on us, who teach the simple Truth of the Bible Only, and call us full of hatred. Surely, this development is just one more instance that tells us we are definitely at the End of the Age. Read Entire Article>>>
Mr. Bay has been very clever to attempt to define himself away from hatred. But then he turns around and admits animosity toward Catholic teachings. Where he gets the idea that hatred is a desire to inflict pain and suffering or to get even I do not know. That is not part of the definition of hatred — but animosity is included in the definition. However, Mr. Bay does inflict pain. He commits a form of murder. Telling lies, called calumny and rash judgment, is a form of murder. Such lies kills the good name of someone. Mr. Bay’s comments about the Catholic Church are hateful and are lies. His designation that Catholics are not Christians is evil when clearly Catholics have and espouse the Christian faith. I truly believe that people who have this level of delusion and hatred may have a form of mental illness. What else could explain the extreme irrationality? the utter ignoring of facts? the invention of stories? the delusion of the mind? We have no problems with people disagreeing with the Catholic Church. One can disagree agreeably. But one thing we expect and demand — that if one wishes to disagree, do so ACCURATELY, and stop the lies, distortions, exaggerations, and fabrications. Have the integrity to learn the true teachings of the Church and disagree like rational men, instead of ranting irrationalities like children. In any event, the Biblical passage he likes to quote needs to be put up in his mirror: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. [2 Timothy 4:3-5]