Spiritual Warfare Forum: obstacles
obstacles QUESTION from Julie Flavia on October 30, 2002 Whenever I go for a job or go for a interview, either I fail because I can't see, that I get blurr, see everything double or my finger goes so slow as though my fingers are been weighted with 10kilo each or I forget my papers OR if I get a job this job does not last much maximum a year or 1 1/2 that the only period I have ever worked enemies starts following me or trating me bad and sometimes I feel I am been rejected so very badly I just don't know Why it happens to me ??
ANSWER by Mr. Joe Meineke on November 1, 2002 Dear Mrs. Flavia,
I am very sorry to hear about your situation. We will certainly keep you in our prayers.
What you have described sounds like it could possibly be stress induced. It would probably be wise for you to talk to your family doctor about these symptoms and see if this is a medical explanation to this type of reaction. Different people react to stress differently - some more sever than others. For example, when I am under a great deal of stress, I tend to become forgetful of things that would otherwise be to be easy to remember. While it is also possible that these symptoms can be caused by the enemy, remember that the human mind is very powerful and can easily cause the types of things that you have described.
If you feel that this is spiritual in nature, you may want to pray some of the prayers found on the Spiritual Warfare Prayers page. There is a link to the prayers page below.
God bless you,
Joe Meineke Assistant to Bro. Ignatius
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