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Leviathan, Extra Information QUESTION from Ikari March 21, 2000 John-Paul ; It's been a while. I've been quite busy as of late, but it's good to see you're still up to it - You're quite good at what you do.
I was hoping I might be able to volunteer some additional information, and also make one point.
Re : Leviathan.
Historically, Leviathan has quite the parellel with Cthulu in the Lovecraft mythos (Completely and utterly fabricated, if anyone doubts JP's word on that, I highly suggest some research.). Leviathan is The Dragon of the Sea and is often paired with Tiamat - A female/opposing figure. Leviathan, outside of the Judeo/Christian mythos, is not particurally /evil/, but does have a bit of a destructive streak. The last mentions of Leviathan outside of Crowley-style hodge-podge is, if I remember correctly, by Thomas Hobbes (Philosopher). He compiled a collection of philosophical concepts in 1660 known as The Leviathan. Leviathan, in biblical literature, is paired up with Behemoth in the book of Job. Both Serpent figures. I also believe there is a reference to Leviathan as a deity figure in early Mesopetamian lore.
My point (unrelated).
You had pointed out that the Hindu religion has many 'Occultic' practices. I would like to add, perhaps to throw in some balance to the perspective, that Christian mythology was originally ostracized by the Romans for precisely that reasoning. They felt it was too 'Cult-Like' ; A danger to the government, and too far outside of the 'Norm'. Weather or not any particular religious practice is 'Occultic' or not is entirely defined by ontology/worldview. That being said, from the Catholic perspective, the Hindu religion is quite occultic ; But in other parts of the world, it's quite the other way around.
Thank you.
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, O.L.S.M. on March 25, 2000 Dear Mr. Ikari:
Thank you for your support of our efforts to educate here in these forums.
Also thanks for the additional background on Leviathan mythology outside of the Biblical references.
I would not recommend, however, people researching the Lovecraft Mythos. It just is not needed information for the average Christian.
As to your final point, I am afraid I will have to take EXTREME exception to it and in fact characterize it as a dangerous notion.
You state, Whether or not any particular religious practice is 'Occultic' or not is entirely defined by ontology/worldview.
While this is true with the diversity of human cultures and worldviews, in the context of which wen speak of it here, the determination of what is or is not occultic is dependent upon the Truth of God.
Then you follow with, That being said, from the Catholic perspective, the Hindu religion is quite occultic ; But in other parts of the world, it's quite the other way around.
Again, this is true from the human cultural perspective. We are not coming from a human cultural perspective. We are coming from the perspective of the Truth of God.
While the occultic Hindu sects, or other sects around the world, may consider Catholicism occultic, that is their mere opinion, and a mighty ill-informed opinion at that. When we identify the occultic nature of those Hindu sects and other sects we are not issuing an opinion, but stating a fact based upon the wisdom of the Church and the Divine Revelation of God that defines the parameters of these things.
Your statement implies a balance and equality of opinion. There is no equality of opinion. We, (the Christians) are right, they are wrong. The is no balance with error.
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