Faith/Spirituality Forum: Eastern Canon Law on the web
Eastern Canon Law on the web QUESTION from A. Basto on January 3, 2003 In a recent answer to a question posted on this forum, you mentioned that you do not have a copy of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Rite Catholic Churches.
It is really difficult to find the text of the Code, but, a few months ago, I found a Canon Law website, based in Germany, that contains the full text of the Eastern Code.
The site ´s main page is in English, and there are links to some documents in English or French, but other links will provide documents in Latin or German.
They have links to the 1990 Eastern Code of Canons in Latin, French, Italian and Dutch. The link to the latin text is
I hope this might be helful to your ministry.
Unfortunately, I couldn ´t find the text of the Apostolic Constitution Sacri Canones, which promulgated the Code. I also tried to find the text of the Code in English, but I couldn ´t find it.
There are booksellers, however, who have the Code in English for sale on the web.
Thanks for everything. My prayers are with you and your Order.
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, OLSM on January 3, 2003 Dear Mr. Basto:
Thanks so much. It will be useful, at least for anything that is in English.
I need to buy the book, in English, but alas, that requires a little thing called money :)
Thanks again.
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