Faith/Spirituality Forum: Marriage
Marriage QUESTION from Carol June 1, 2001 I'm not sure this is the correct forum to post this question. I am planning to marry a Catholic man. I am Protestant, although I attend the Catholic church with him. My question is can we be married by a Priest in the Catholic church even though I am not Catholic? We have each been married before. Thank you for any assistance.
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, OLSM on July 8, 2001 Dear Miss Carol: Your husband to be must get permission from the bishop to marry you since you are not Catholic. He must promise to not defect from the Catholic Faith and that the children will be raised Catholic. You obviously need to agree with this. You both will have to attend pre-cana classes also. Also, any anulments of previous marriages are your part and his part will have to be attained. If all this is done, yes, you can be married in a Catholic Church by a priest, and should be. God Bless
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