Liturgy & Liturgical Law Forum: Two possible abuses during Mass
Two possible abuses during Mass QUESTION from Vince Parise September 5, 2001
I have two questions to ask. My first question is:
I would like to know, since all I have been told is that the Church has approved this, what document of authority has justified changing the Words of Consecration from This is the cup of my Blood, etc, which will be shed for you and for many, etc, to, for you and for all, etc.
My second question is this:
Since the Offertory prayer is part of the Presidential Prayers, why, do almost all Priest's, when the Presidential prayers specifically, according to the GIRM (General Instruction of the Roman Missal) clearly states that they will be said in an audible voice with no musical instruments or singing to disrupt them, say the Offertory Prayers in silence, thus cheating the congregation out of the two, most reverant responses of Blessed be God forever, while a cantor continues to sing, or a musical director continues to play the organ. The documentation I refer too, can be found in the GIRM under section entitled Prayers And Other Parts Assigned To The Priest.
I would like to thank, in advance, for your time and consideration with regard to the wonderful work your misistry does to keep The Catholic Faith alive and well.
May God continue to bless your efforts.
ANSWER by Mr. Jacob Slavek on September 7, 2001
Dear Mr. Parise,
There is no document that justifies the change of words, and such a document is not needed. for you and for all is the ORIGINAL English translation in the 1970 Missal. SO, the document would be the Roman Missal, more precisely, the Sacramentary.
Although for many is a closer translation of the Latin pro multis, and the translation I myself would use if I were to prepare an English Missal, for all linguistically is also acceptable. for all is also theologically correct. So is for many. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, for all is the translation proposed to Rome and APPROVED by Rome, so, it is NOT an abuse to use it. It IS an abuse to use for many.
The term used in the New Testament Greek has a meaning closer to for all than to for many.
Yes, the presidential prayers MUST be said or sung in an audible voice with no music. The prayers you are mentioning, however, are not presidential prayers. They are preparation prayers. Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation.... When the Missal is refering to presidential prayers, it means three: The opening prayer, the prayer over the gifts, and the prayer after communion. They are also known as the collect, secret, and postcommunion prayers.
The rubrics call for the PREPARATION prayers to be said inaudibly, unless there is no singing. SO, the Offertory song take preference over reciting the preparation aloud. Immediately after the preparation prayers, the presidential prayer over the gifts begins in an audible voice. This prayer is proper, meaning it changes as the Mass for that day changes. It always ends Grant this through Christ our Lord or one of the other variants.
Thank you for your words and support.
Mr. Slavek.
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