Liturgy & Liturgical Law Forum: Introducing Jacob Slavek as New Liturgy Forum Host
Introducing Jacob Slavek as New Liturgy Forum Host ANNOUNCEMENT by Bro. John-Paul Ignatius on May 11, 2001 Dear Folks:
The Legion of St. Michael and the Website Staff are happy to introduce to you Mr. Jacob Slavek, our new Liturgy Forum Host.
Although Mr. Slavek has been Catholic since childhood, it was not until 15 that he began to practice his faith seriously. Mr. Slavek is currently working on a degree in Classical Languages at the University of Saint Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota and has made a special study in Liturgical Law. Mr. Slavek is pursuing a calling to the holy priesthood and hopes to enter seminary after his university studies.
Mr. Slavek is originally from Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Please welcome him to the team. His email address is
Welcome Jacob, and God Bless you and my St. Michael Protect you!
Bro. Ignatius
P.S. Jacob will be working on the overdue questions that have not been answered. So those who have been waiting for answers, they will be coming soon.
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