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The Gospel read at Evening Mass on Holy Thursday QUESTION from Michael Lanspa April 17, 2000
On the Feast of the Last Supper, why is the Gospel of John 13:1-15 read instead of Luke 22? John 13 only briefly mentions the meal, while Luke 22 details it. Our parish priest asked us this question during Mass last Sunday. ANSWER by Mr. John Miskell on April 17, 2000
Dear Michael, Not being sure of my answer, I posed your question to my priest friend. As usual he didn't let me down. Father says; Dear John, I suspect this is so because only John's version mentions the foot washing ceremony and Christ's teaching about it, and because John has been the Gospel of preference for all the daily Mass readings since the beginning of the Fourth Week of Lent, except for Wednesday of Holy Week (Matthew). Admittedly, this exception makes my second reason appear a bit weak. I hope this helps. Sincerely, Father Thank God that the Church has so many great priests like Father. I tend to get sidetracked and focused on the Liturgical Bandits but the fact of the matter is the overwhelming majority of our priests are wonderful, holy and obedient men with a very tough vocation. Happy Easter - He is Risen! John Miskell Back to Index Page