Spiritual Warfare Workshop with Fr. Fortea (Part 4)
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Show Notes: Fr. Fortea has written a popular book, An Interview with an Exorcist: An Insider’s Look at the Devil, Demonic Possession, and the Path to Deliverance
These talks and Fr. Fortea’s book are included in the curriculum for our students in the St. Michael Acadamy for Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance Counseling
Listen to the show live on Thursdays, 7:00pm Central Daylight Time (UTC -5) At this time we are not accepting voice questions on-the-air. See the Voice Mail information below. Voice Mail (Toll Free): (877) 503-0600, ext. 2 (leave your question or comment by no later than noon on Wednesday. We welcome you to leave a question or comment on our Voice Mail.Note: All Voice Mail messages are subject to possible broadcast. Follow us and Join the Discussion on Twitter