Catholic Prayer Apostolate of the Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael
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Semper Fidelis This is a papal fidelity site. Loyal and Obedient to the Current Pope and to the Magisterium united With Him. The Prayer Apostolateof theOblates and Missioners of St. Michael The most important apostolate we have in the Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael is to pray. We pray for you and we pray for special campaigns, projects, and intentions. Our prayer apostolate is inspired by a vision concerning prayer by our Founder, Bro. Ignatius Mary.
Ways to Submit Your Prayer Intentions Please register your Intention in only one of the following ways. Our prayer team receives a copy of your Intention no matter which methods below that you choose. Thus, please do not post the same intention in multiple places:
Online Prayerbook This is a public prayerbook available to all who visit our Website. You may post your Intention in the Online Prayerbook anonymously or may give your name. Prayer Team members receive a copy of your intention. In addition, all prayers from the Prayerbook are included en masse in the Divine Office offered at St. Michael House.
Online Votive Candle Chapel This is a Virtual Votive Candle Chapel located on our Website. You may request to have a cyberspace candle lit on behalf of your Intention. The candles burn for one week unless you specify a longer period. We also light a single real perpetual candle on our Prayer Altar at St. Michael House on behalf of all those Intentions registered in the Online Votive Candle Chapel. This is not a candle for each individual Intention, but one candle, buring perpetually, for all intentions registered in the chapel. The Online Votive Candle Chapel, like the Online Prayerbook, is public. Prayer Team members receive a copy of your intention. In addition, all prayers from the Chapels are included en masse in the Divine Office offered at St. Michael House.
Private Intentions If you do not wish to record your prayer intention in a public online forum, you may send us your Intention privately by our Web Form for that purpose. Prayer Team members receive a copy of your intention. In addition, all Private Intentions are included en masse in the Divine Office offered at St. Michael House. The Angelic Vision for Prayer In 1994 our Founder, Bro. Ignatius Mary, received an interior intellectual vision. In this vision, he saw the angels of God descending to the altar at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We know from the visions of the saints that angels do come down to the altar of the Sacrifice of the Mass to take the prayers of the faithful back to God. In Brothers's vision, however, the angels came down to the sacred altar not only to take the general prayers of the faithful to the throne of God, but also to take with them specifically the Prayer Intention Book that the priest placed on the altar before Mass. Outside of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass this book was kept on a stand at the front of the Church for people to write in their intentions. The message of this vision was that God was honoring those who would write their intentions so deliberately in this public prayer book as a grace given to those who join their prayers with the community in this way. This is not to depreciate other forms of prayer. Certainly the prayer of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and of the Divine Office is always the most important prayers for the faithful. This vision given to Brother merely provides another way in which the faithful may come together and join their prayers with others in the knowledge that the heavenly angels will personally bring their intentions to the throne of God. More than this, however, Brother saw it as a special way of offering prayer in that a person must deliberately intend on offering the prayer in such a way as to make the effort to write the intention in the book. This deliberate and sacramental act (that is, visible manifestation of the spiritual reality of prayer) thus fulfills an ancient idea that once something is written, it is now official and shall be done. So let it be written, so let it be done! Since this time, the Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael have kept such a Prayerbook. We keep it on our prayer altar to offer the intentions contain in it to God during the Divine Office and other prayers. At Conventual Masses we place the book on the altar for the angels to take it to God. (As a private revelation, this vision need not be believed by anyone and is always submitted to the scrutiny of the Church.) In any event, the members of the Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael will be sure to pray always for your intentions. All prayer intentions given to us for prayer are included in the special Conventional Prayer Book, according to the vision of Brother, and placed on the altar during the Conventional Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and on our prayer altar during the Conventual Divine Office and other prayers. May the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Top