Encyclicals of Leo XIII-The Papal Library
Encyclicals of Pope Leo XIII Ad Extremason Seminaries for Native ClergyJune 24, 1893 Adiutricemon the RosarySeptember 5, 1895 Aeterni Patrison the Restoration of Christian PhilosophyAugust 4, 1879 Arcanumon Christian MarriageFebruary 10, 1880 Au Milieu Des Sollicitudeson the Church and State in FranceFebruary 16, 1892 Augustissimae Virginis Mariaeon the Confraternity of the Holy RosarySeptember 12, 1897 Auspicato Concessumon St. Francis of AssisiSeptember 17, 1882 Catholicae Ecclesiaeon Slavery in the MissionsNovember 20, 1890 Christi Nomen on Propagation of the Faith and Eastern ChurchesDecember 24, 1894 Constanti Hungarorumon the Church in HungarySeptember 2, 1893 Cum Multa on Conditions in SpainDecember 8, 1882 Custodi Di Quella Fedeon FreemasonryDecember 8, 1892 Dall'alto Dall'Apostolico Seggioon Freemasonry in ItalyOctober 15, 1890 Diuturni Temporison the RosarySeptember 5, 1898 Diuturnumon the Origin of Civil PowerJune 29, 1881 Divinum Illud Munuson the Holy SpiritMay 9, 1897 Esti Cunctason the Church in IrelandDecember 21, 1888 Esti Noson Conditions in ItalyFebruary 15, 1882 Exeunte Iam Annoon the Right Ordering of Christian LifeDecember 25, 1888 Fidentem Piumque Animumon the RosarySeptember 20, 1896 Fin Dal Principioon Education of the ClergyDecember 8, 1902 Grande Munuson SS. Cyril and MethodiusSeptember 30, 1880 Humanum Genuson FreemasonryApril 20, 1884 Immortale Deion the Christian Constitution of StatesNovember 1, 1885 Iucunda Semper Expectationeon the RosarySeptember 8, 1894 Laetitiae SanctaeCommending Devotion to the RosarySeptember 8, 1893 Libertas Praestantissimumon the Nature of Human LibertyJune 20, 1888 Magnae Dei Matrison the RosarySeptember 8, 1892 Mirae Caritatison the Holy EucharistMay 2, 1902 Octobri Menseon the RosarySeptember 22, 1891 Providentissimus Deuson the Study of Holy ScriptureNovember 18, 1893 Quod Apostolici Munerison SocialismDecember 28, 1878 Rerum Novarumon the Condition of the Working ClassesMay 15, 1891 Sapientiae Christianaeon Christians as CitizensJanuary 10, 1890 Satis Cognitumon the Unity of the ChurchJune 29, 1896 Superiore Annoon the Recitation of the RosaryAugust 30, 1884 Supremi_Apostolatuson Devotion of the RosarySeptember 1, 1883 Urbanitatis Veterison the Foundation of a Seminary in AthensNovember 20, 1901 Vi E Ben Notoon the Rosary and Public LifeSeptember 20, 1887