Benedict XIV - The Papal Library
The Writings of Pope Benedict XIV
Born: Prospero Lambertini Biography Encyclicals A Quo Primumon Jews & Christians Living in the Same PlaceJune 14, 1751 Allatae Sunton the Observance of Oriental RitesJuly 26, 1755 Apostolica ConstitutioOn Preparation for the Holy YearJune 26, 1749 Cum Religiosion CatechesisJune 26, 1754 Ex Omnibuson the Apostolic Constitution UnigenitusOctober 16, 1756 Ex Quoon the EuchologionMarch 1, 1756 Magnae Nobison Marriage Impediments & DispensationsJune 29, 1748 Nimiam Licentiamon Validity of MarriagesMay 18, 1743 PeregrinantesProclaiming a Holy Year for 1750May 5, 1749 Quanta CuraForbidding Traffic in AlmsJune 30, 1741 Quod Provincialeon Christians Using Mohammedan NamesAugust 1, 1754 Ubi Primumon the Duties of BishopsDecember 3, 1740 Vix Perveniton Usury and Other Dishonest ProfitNovember 1, 1745