The Eucharist
The Eucharist
Perpetual Exposition of the Blessed SacramentCommittee on the LiturgyNational Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic ConferenceOver the past several years a number of questions have been raised regarding the practice of perpetual exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The Liturgy Committee discussed the issues raised several times and decided to submit a series of questions regarding perpetual exposition to the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. The following responses were received from the Congregation
The Real Presence Association.Discusses Introduction to the Eucharist, The Eucharist in Scripture, The Eucharist and Vatican II, Eucharistic Miracles, The Real Presence, The Early Christians Believed in the Real Presence, Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, Spiritual Resources
Altar BreadsFrom Catholic Encyclopedia.Bread is one of the two elements absolutely necessary for the sacrifice of the Eucharist. Explains what is necessary for valid consecration.
Altar WineFrom Catholic Encyclopedia.Wine is one of the two elements absolutely necessary for the sacrifice of the Eucharist. For valid and licit consecration the pure juice of the grape naturally and properly fermented, is to be used.
Aspects of the Church Understood as CommunionCongregation for The Doctrine of the FaithLetter to the Bishops of the Catholic ChurchMay 28th, 1992
Benediction Of The Blessed SacramentFr. William SaundersExplains the history and practice of Benediction. This article appeared in the August 4, 1994 issue of The Arlington Catholic Herald.
Bible Proves Real Presence of Christ in EucharistBy Rev. Daniel MaherTaken from The Catholic Truth' Vol. 1 No. 1 June 1995.
The Blessed Eucharist as a SacramentThe Catholic EncyclopediaSince Christ is present under the appearances of bread and wine in a sacramental way, the Blessed Eucharist is unquestionably a sacrament of the Church.
Can priests order oneto stand to receive Communion?by James AkinYour pastor does not have any authority to place such a restriction. Your right to receive communion on the tongue while kneeling is guaranteed by Church law, and a local pastor cannot change this.
Catholic CommunionBy Paul TurnerCatholic communion is just that, a sign of Catholic unity. The Eucharist symbolizes our union with God but also our union with one another.
Communion-in-the-Hand: An Historical ViewSt Catherine Review May-June 1996If you are among the many who have wondered over the past decade just how the practice of communion-in-the-hand originated and for what reasons, the following provides a concise history as well as a brief look into what has resulted from the institution of this curious practice.
Christus DominusPope Pius XIIThe Apostolic Constitution Of His Holiness Pope Pius XII issued on January 6, 1953, concerning the Discipline to be Observed with Respect to the Eucharistic Fast. Also contains An Instruction on the Discipline to be Observed with Reference to the Eucharistic Fast Issued by the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office on the same date.
A Crime Against All We Hold Most DearBy Stefania FalascaThis article, taken from 30Days Issue #5, 1996, discusses canonical penalties for desecration of the Holy Eucharist
Sanctus PontifexIssued by the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy and the Sacred Congregation for the Discipline of the SacramentsDeclaration on First Confession and First Communion. This document issued on May 24, 1973, calls for the cessation of experiments and the reinstatement of the traditional practice of reception of Penance before the Holy Eucharist.
Devotion to the Holy EucharistAdvances Devotion to Jesus' PersonBy Fr. John Hardon, S.J.Most Catholics take for granted the intimate relationship between the Eucharist and the Sacred Heart. Fr. Hardon explains how these two mysteries are intimately related.
The EucharistProtestant attacks on the Catholic Church often focus on the Eucharist. This demonstrates that opponents of the Church–mainly Evangelicals and Fundamentalists–recognize what central sacramental is. What's more, the attacks also show that Fundamentalists are not always literalists. This is seen in their interpretation of the key biblical passage, chapter six of John's Gospel, in which Christ speaks about the sacrament that will be instituted at the Last Supper. This tract examines the last half of that chapter.
The EucharistBy the Rev. Mark ConnollyThrough receiving the Eucharist we can boldly proclaim, It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me. April 1996 Issue of Spirituality Today
Eucharist As A SacrificeCatholic EncyclopediaThe word Mass (missa) first established itself as the general designation for the Eucharistic Sacrifice in the West after the time of Pope Gregory the Great (d. 604), the early Church having used the expression the breaking of bread (fractio panis) or liturgy (Acts 13:2, leitourgountes); the Greek Church has employed the latter name for almost sixteen centuries.
The Eucharist and FreedomDocument of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses issued in 1996 in preparation for the 46th International Eucharistic Congress to be celebrated in Wrodaw, Poland, in 1997. For the first time in the history of the International Eucharistic Congresses, this Congress will reflect on the rich and stimulating theme of the Eucharist in relation to freedom at the close of a century which has witnessed the drama of entire nations being subjugated to totalitarian regimes.
The Eucharist and the MassBy Frank J. SheedChapter 18–of Theology for Beginners published by Servant Books. Topics include: the Real Presence, Transubstantiation, Communion in One Kind and the Sacrifice of the Mass.
The Eucharist: Sacrifice of LoveA Pastoral Letter by:Most Reverend John J. Myers Bishop of Peoria (Part 1 of 2) December, 1990
The Eucharist: Sacrifice of LoveA Pastoral Letter by:Most Reverend John J. Myers Bishop of Peoria (Part 2 of 2) December, 1990
The Eucharist and VocationsBy Fr. John A. Hardon, S.JIt is impossible to exaggerate the close relation between the Holy Eucharist and vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Eucharistiae SacramentumPromulgating the editio typica of rites for holy communion and worship of the eucharist outside Mass, 21 June 1973 Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship. Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist outside Mass General Introduction, Chapter 1 and Chapter 3, Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, June 21, 1973.
Eucharistic Adoration: A Window to HeavenBy Fr. Raymond T. Gawronski, S.J.There is no monitor or video screen at eucharistic adoration, no figures or colors shifting across the screen. We simply sit and look at a round piece of bread encircled by light. That bread is the Body of Christ, the consecrated Host, before which countless Catholics gaze in rapt adoration throughout the world. Why? Read this article for an insight into Catholic teaching.
Eucharistic Catechesis: Four Questionsby John Thomas Lane, SSSMeal. Sacrament. Sacrifice. Presence. What do these elements of the church's traditional eucharistic teaching mean today?
The Eucharistic Devotion of St. Thomas AquinasBy Warren H. Carroll, Ph.D.St. Thomas Aquinas was one of the supreme advocates of Eucharistic devotion and exponents of the nature of the mysterious process by which the host becomes the Body and Blood of Christ. Indeed, it was St. Thomas Aquinas who not only explained transubstantiation but provided for the first time the word for it.
Eucharistic Fasting: Preparation and PenanceFr. William SaundersExplains the Church's discipline of fasting before receiving Holy Communion. This article appeared in the June 8, 1995 issue of The Arlington Catholic Herald.
Eucharistic Theology TodayBy Donald KeefePublished in Faith & Reason, Fall 1988. In this article, Fr. Keefe, SJ brings his erudition to an examination of contemporary eucharistic theology. This scholarly essay reveals the inroads of immanest thought into Thomism.
The Fourth Cup: The Sacrament of the EucharistDr. Scott HahnTranscript of a taped address by Dr. Scott Hahn, former Presbyterian minister and Professor of Theology at The Franciscan University of Steubenville.
Who Can Receive the Eucharist?Catholic AnswersThe Holy Eucharist is the most important of all the seven Sacraments because, in only this and no other Sacrament, we receive the very Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. Innumerable, precious graces that come to us by receiving Holy Communion.
Mary Leads Us to EucharistJohn Paul IIThe Holy Father's August 15, 1996 message to those attending the 19th International Marian Congress in Czestochowa, Poland, on August 24-26.
The Sacrifice of the MassCatholic AnswersThe Eucharist is a true sacrifice, not just a commemorative meal, as Bible Christians insist. The first Christians knew that it was a sacrifice and proclaimed this in their writings. They recognized the sacrificial character of Jesus' instruction, Do this in remembrance of me (Touto poieite tan eman anamnasin; Luke 22:19, 1 Cor. 11:24-25) which is better translated Offer this as my memorial offering.
What Is Perpetual Adoration?Franciscan Friars of MarytownPerpetual Adoration is a Eucharistic devotion whereby members of a given parish (or other entity) unite in taking hours of adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament (in most cases, exposed), both during the day and throughout the night, seven days a week.
Perpetual Adoration ApostolatesEWTN StaffA list of organizations that will supply literature, advice, sometimes speakers and other help with starting Perpetual Adoration in your Church.
The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist:The Value of SacrificeApostolate for Perpetual AdorationThe Purpose of this pamphlet is to help us understand the value of being willing to make a sacrifice by spending one hour each week in the middle of the night with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament so that our parish may have the great blessing of having Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.
Reflections on the EucharistJohn Paul IIGeneral AudienceSeptember 27, 2000
The Eucharist as MemorialJohn Paul IIGeneral AudienceOctober 4, 2000
The Eucharist is the Perfect Sacrifice of PraiseJohn Paul IIGeneral AudienceOctober 11, 2000
Eucharist, Banquet of Communion with GodJohn Paul IIGeneral AudienceOctober 18, 2000
Eucharist, a taste of eternity in timeJohn Paul IIGeneral AudienceOctober 25, 2000
Eucharist is Sacrament of the Church's UnityJohn Paul IIGeneral AudienceNovember 8, 2000
Eucharist as the Supreme Expressionof Church UnityJohn Paul IIGeneral AudienceNovember 22, 2000
Unity in faith is seen as the condition for full communion in the Eucharistic AssemblyJohn Paul IIGeneral AudienceNovember 15, 2000
Why can only priests consecrate the Eucharist?by James AkinConsider the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. If any layperson could consecrate the elements, Christ would suffer innumerable offenses in the Eucharist. Only someone who has been specially trained and who is specially trustworthy must be allowed to minister in this sacred event.
The Holy EucharistBaltimore Catechism Lessons 26, 27 & 28.
The Greatest Need in the World Today:Forming the Eucharistic Faith and Love of ChildrenBy Fr. John Hardon, S.J.This conference covers: A brief summary of the Church's pedagogy of the Holy Eucharist over the centuries; An explanation of why parents and teachers should develop the Eucharistic faith and love of children from infancy to adulthood; To provide some guidelines to children on how to grow in their faith and love of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.
Guidelines for the Reception of CommunionNCCBOn November 14, 1996, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops approved the following guidelines on the reception of communion. These guidelines replace the guidelines approved by the Administrative Committee of the in November 1986. The guidelines, which are to be included in missalettes and other participation aids published in the United States, seek to remind all those who may attend Catholic liturgies of the present discipline of the Church with regard to the sharing of eucharistic communion.
The History of Eucharistic Adoration:Development of Doctrine in the Catholic ChurchBy John A. Hardon, S.J.Apostolic Times to Early Middle Ages, Berengarius to St. Francis, Middle Ages to Council of Trent
The Holy Eucharist Is the Whole ChristArticle by Fr. John Hardon, S.Jfrom Soul Magazine on the mystery of Christ's presence in the Holy Eucharist
How Many Times May the Eucharistbe Received on One Day?Fr. John TrigilioThe faithful may receive Holy Communion Again on the same day only during the celebration of the Eucharist in which the person participates.
Is Christ Really Among Us TodayBy Rev. Regis ScanlonThe question about the validity of the Eucharists celebrated in the United States involves a most serious matter of justice to the faithful. This article appeared in the October 1995 issue of The Homiletic & Pastoral Review.
Instruction on Eucharistic WorshipIssued by the Congregation of Riteson May 25, 1967.
Inaestimabile DonumSacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine WorshipInstruction on the Holy Eucharist 1980 Instruction concerning worship of the Eucharistic Mystery prepared by the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship, approved and confirmed by His Holiness Pope John Paul II
Memoriale DominiIssued by the Sacred Congregation for Divine WorshipInstruction on the Manner of Distributing Holy Communion. This document attests that the majority of Catholic bishops felt the practice of receiving Communion on the tongue should be retained. It also gives guidelines for the reception of Communion in the hand. on May 19, 1969.
Introduction to the EucharistCatholic Encyclopedia
Kneeling & Faith in the EucharistFr. Regis Scanlonmaintains that to exclude all acts of latria from the Eucharist would be to refuse to acknowledge the Incarnation. He says that the best testimony to the Real Presence (kneeling) is facing elimination. He addresses the issues of whether or not we should kneel for the Consecration and whether or not it is proper to genuflect before receiving the Blessed Sacrament. This article was taken from the August/September 1994 issue of The Homiletic & Pastoral Review.
The Liturgy and ContemplationFr. ThurianThoughts on the renewal of liturgical prayer from Fr. Thurian of the International Theological Commission.
Modern Misconceptions About the EucharistBy Rev. Regis Scanlon, O.F.M. Cap.Joseph Cardinal only thirty percent of our faithful believe what the Church teaches on the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.' Once more, there is also a campaign to eliminate kneeling during the entire Eucharistic Prayer of the Mass. The cause of these two related phenomena can be discovered by examining past and present Catholic theology of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
Norms for Use of Low-Gluten Bread and MustumCardinal Joseph RatzingerReleased August 22, 1994 Addresses the question of the use of low-gluten altar breads and mustum as matter for the celebration of the Eucharist.
On admitting Other Christians to Eucharistic Communion in the Catholic ChurchIssued by the Secretariat for the Promotion of the Unity of Christians (predecessor of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity)In Quibus Rerum Circumstantiis, 1 June, 1972.
Immensae caritatisSacred Congregation of the Sacraments (now Congregation for Divine Worship) January 29, 1973.On Facilitating Reception of Communion in Certain Circumstances