Catholic Saints
Saints Kingdom of the Divine WillFr. William MostSt. John of the Cross and other great Saints and mystics have given us a sketch of what is, at least in general, the route from the start to the greatest conceivable perfection. The JesuitsReverend Alban Goodier S.J.History of the Society of Jesus founded by St. Ignatius Loyola The Spirituality of St. Francis de SalesMgr Francis VincentTo understand and to define the spirituality of Saint Francis of Sales we must first ask what the Saint thought of God and man. CanonizationCatholic AnswersWhen did the custom of canonizing saints start, and is it true that canonizations are infallible? Here are excerpts from two articles on canonization of saints; they are taken from 'The New Catholic Encyclopedia' The Communion of SaintsCatholic EncyclopediaThe doctrine expressed in the second clause of the ninth article in the received text of the Apostles' Creed: 'I believe . . . the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints'. Fausto appetente diePope Benedict XVOn St. Dominic, Promulgated on June 29, 1921 Slavorum ApostoliPope John Paul IIThe encyclical letter of Pope John Paul II on the Apostles to the Slavs, Saints Cyril and Methodius, on the occasion of the the eleventh centenary of their evangelization work (2 June 1985). Editae SaepePope Pius XOn St. Charles Borromeo, Promulgated on May 26, 1910. Rerum Omnium PerturbationemPope Pius XISt. Francis De Sales, January 26, 1923 Oil of SaintsCatholic EncyclopediaAn oily substance, which is said to have flowed, or still flows, from the relics or burial places of certain saints; sometimes the oil in the lamps that burn before their shrines; also the water that flows from the wells near their burial places; or the oil and the water which have in some way come in contact with their relics. These oils are or have been used by the faithful, with the belief that they will cure bodily and spiritual ailments, not through any intrinsic power of their own, but through the intercession of the saints with whom the oils have some connection. Beatification and Canonization Catholic EncyclopediaThe true origin of canonization and beatification must be sought in the Catholic doctrine of the worship, invocation, and intercession of the saints. As was taught by St. Augustine, Catholics, while giving to God alone adoration strictly so-called, honour the saints because of the Divine supernatural gifts which have earned them eternal life, and through which they reign with God in the heavenly fatherland as His chosen friends and faithful servants. Decree on the Cause of Canonization of Josemaria EscrivaCCS The April 9, 1990 Decree of the Sacred Congregation for Cause of the Saints on the heroic virtues of Venerable Josemaria Excriva, founder of Opus Dei. Decrees related to the Servants of GodCCSA compilation of recent decrees of the Congregation for the Decrees of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints regarding the heroic virtues and miracles of the Servants of God, Venerables and Blesseds proposed for canonization. In Hac TantaPope Benedict XVon St BonifaceMay 14, 1919 Spiritus ParaclitusPope Benedict XVon St JeromeSeptember 15, 1920 Mira Circa NosPope Gregory IXon the Canonization of St. Francis of AssisiAugust 14, 1228 Christian IconographyCatholic EncyclopediaThe science of the description, history, and interpretation of the traditional representations of God, the saints and other sacred subjects in art. Stylites (Pillar Saints)Catholic EncyclopediaStylites were solitaries who, taking up their abode upon the tops of a pillar, chose to spend their days amid the restraints thus entailed and in the exercise of other forms of asceticism. Saints and Blesseds Who Have Flourished in AmericaThe MetropolitanThis article, taken from the June and July 1854 issue of The Metropolitan, presents the lives of various saints of the Americas Three Co-patronesses of EuropePope John Paul IIIn December 1980, the Holy Father declared the brothers Cyril and Methodius co-patrons of Europe, with St Benedict. Now (Oct '99) the Pope has designated three patronesses, Sts Bridget of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, and Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. Three great saints, three women who at different times–two in the very heart of the Middle Ages and one in our own century–were outstanding for their fruitful love of Christ's Church and their witness to his Cross. Ecumenism of Martyrs and SaintsPope John Paul IIMay 23, 1995. Address to the official delegation from Bulgaria visiting Rome to celebrate the feast of Sts. Cyril and Methodius. The Four Marks of the Church: The Church is HolyScott HahnFocuses on the holiness of the Catholic Church and the role of the saints in the Mystical Body of Christ. A transcript of Hahn's audio and video tape presentation, 'The Four Marks of the Church as it appears in the 'Catholic Adult Education on Video Program' with Scott and Kimberly Hahn Human Interaction with Actual GraceFr. William MostIf you've every wondered how the saints could freely talk about how weak and horrible they were when they were in fact so holy, read these notes by Fr. William G.Most on how human nature and actual grace interact Saints Holy SiblingsScott HahnTo approach the veneration of the Saints from a Biblical perspective, Scott begins with the Book of Hebrews and the Old Testament Hall of Fame. In this program he explains how the Saints are members of God's family in heaven, the older siblings of God's sons and daughters on earth. He shows how the Saints constitute a cloud of witnesses which hovers over the world giving glory to God and cheering on the Christian family on earth. The Saints: Examples of Faith Rev. Herbert de LaunayReflections by Fr. Herbert de Launay on the readings for August 13, 1995, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, cycle C, The saints as models of faith, points from Hebrews 11, the 2nd reading for Mass What is a saint?Internet Question Box–James AkinThe basic meaning of the term saint is holy one or one who is sanctified Can They Hear Our Prayers?Internet Question Box–James AkinWell, aside from the fact that the Magisterium has ruled on the issue and that Apostolic Tradition teaches it (both of which are sufficient to prove the matter), the Bible also teaches it Saints, mediatorship of Christ and prayer toInternet Question Box–James AkinJesus is certainly the only Mediator in the sense that he his the only God-man, the only Person who serves as a bridge between the human and the divine in that way, as 1 Timothy 2:5 (the verse you quote) indicates. However, Jesus' unique role as the only God-man does not mean that nobody else gets to pray for us. Principi Apostolorum PetroPope Benedict XVon St Ephrem the SyrianOctober 5, 1920 Sacerdotii Nostri PrimordiaPope John XXIIIon St. John VianneyAugust 1, 1959 Updated: November 16, 2000