Information About the Athenaeum of Christian Antiquity
Information About the Athenaeum of Christian Antiquity Athenaeum of Christian Antiquity Computer Series The object of this series of translations in ASCII format is primarily to furnish Christians with small, short, and handy files which will facilitate the study of Christian origins. We hope reading older, public domain translations will increase interest in and demand for newer, modern translations of the same works. In most cases, these newer translations are excellent, containing introductory materials, notes, comments, alternate readings, and useful Biblical cross-references. If these computer files induce readers to seek out these newer, more elaborate works, the Athenaeum of Christian Antiquity stands ready to assist. Ancient literature, important to the study of earliest Christianity, is no longer available in many public libraries and, in many cases, out-of-print. To make these texts more generally accessible, the Athenaeum of Christian Antiquity freely produces and circulates computer files containing them. These files may be freely moved from computer to computer, either by phone, disk, or other means. Users are encouraged to print and bind copies for donation to nearby libraries: public, church, and university. Profit is discouraged. Freely ye have received; freely give. To improve the readability of printed copies, files in WordPerfect (formatted for PostScript printers) may be obtained directly from the Athenaeum of Christian Antiquity. ** New files are being released each Monday. ** Occasionally, older files need to be replaced when typo- graphical errors are discovered. To avoid such errors, files are compared with the originals several times before release (this is the biggest bottleneck in production). Even so, errors creep through. A reward of $10.00 per typo is paid to the first person to point it out. [Volunteer proofreaders will be supplied with beta versions prior to public release.] To obtain a list of currently available files: Mail a SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) Athenaeum of Christian Antiquity 4648 East Saint Catherine Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85040-5369 USA ==== Please include this page with ALL printed copies. ====