Documents of Vatican II Index
Documents of Vatican II Ad GentesDecree on the Mission Activity of the Church1965 Apostolicam ActuositatemDecree on the Apostolate of the LaityNovember 18, 1965 Christus DominusDecree Concerning the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the ChurchOctober 28, 1965 Dei VerbumDogmatic Constitution on Divine RevelationNovember 18, 1965 Dignitatis HumanaeDeclaration on Religious FreedomDecember 7, 1965 Gaudium et SpesPastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern WorldDecember 7, 1965 Gravissimum EducationisDeclaration on Christian EducationOctober 28, 1965 Inter MirificaDecree on the Media of Social CommunicationsDecember 4, 1963 Lumen GentiumDogmatic Constitution on the ChurchNovember 21, 1964 Nostra AetateDeclaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian ReligionsOctober 28, 1965 Optatam TotiusDecree on Priestly TrainingOctober 28, 1965 Orientalium EcclesiarumDecree on the Catholic Churches of the Eastern RiteNovember 21, 1964 Perfectae CaritatisDecree on the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious LifeOctober 28, 1965 Presbyterorum OrdinisDecree on the Ministry and Life of PriestsDecember 7, 1965 Sacrosanctum ConciliumConstitution on the Sacred LiturgyDecember 4, 1963 Unitatis RedintegratioDecree on EcumenismNovember 21, 1964