Zosimo Literatus
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August 2009 (17)
Posted on 08-25-2009
Zosimo Literatus
Filed Under (Zosimo Literatus)
In the case of Zosimo T. Literatus (known as Zim when he was a member of the SPCDC BBS), we have a classic example of “sour grapes” and revenge because his membership in the BBS was terminated due to his abuse of the members.
Zim had posted a story told by Fr. Syquia in his book “Exorcism: Encounters with the Paranormal and the Occult.” Members of the BBS thought the story to be rather odd. Rather than try to discuss any misconceptions our members may have had about the story, he immediately became insulting and abusive. Readers may see this conversation for themselves and then compare the transcripts with what Zim relates in his article below: Click here to read transcript.
Below is the article written by Zim in the Sun-Star (Cebu), Philippines, on April 8, 2009. Our Response follows afterward:
Literatus: Threats to a healthy faith
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Zosimo T. Literatus, R.M.T.
A HEALTHY Christian life is defined by how much spiritual assault we survived while staying as close to the Lord as possible and helping in His works in redeeming this world.
Last month, I searched a group of saints through the Web for a book when I chanced upon a website bearing the name St. Pio Center for Deliverance Counseling, allegedly owned by a so-called Order of the Legion of St. Michael. It is co-founded by one Bro. John-Paul Ignatius Mary, OLSM, supposedly a Baptist preacher who converted to Catholicism.
I registered in their forum, shared a few ideas, and asked a few questions. But later on, something struck me as being wrong. I shared a story I read from the book of Fr. Jose Francisco Syquia, Exorcism: Encounters with the Paranormal and the Occult.
The story was about a nun who performed deliverance on a large mango tree inhabited by a huge, furry demon near the house of Fr. Jocis’ brother, and was attacked by the demon. The reaction of the other long-standing members of the forum (which I suspected later to be just one person using different names) sounded like a sneer on the crucifix being used, a belittling of the nun, with an implication that their method of deliverance was much better than the nun’s.
Their Brother also sounded more like an authoritative “exorcist” than Fr. Jocis, Manila’s official exorcist. My “spider sense” buzzed.
I felt I was not talking to a Catholic, but a malevolent persons instead. So I started asking questions about the brother’s ordination bishop, specific day the brother was authorized by the bishop or the Holy See to start a religious order, etc. But no answer came, and surprisingly the questions I posted got splurged and disappeared from the forum records (by the brother administrator’s wizardry).
I e-mailed a query to the Rev. Martin Amos, Bishop of Davenport (Iowa) where the order has an official address and the brother supposedly resided. Bishop Amos replied: “The Order of the Legion of St. Michael is unknown and has no connection with the Diocese of Davenport.” (Check faithcop.wordpress.com for more info on this group.)
A disturbed spirit often results into a disturbed physical and mental health, and a soul endangered.
This Lenten season is an opportune time to restore order in our spiritual lives, clean up our mess, and start anew. The Internet today is getting to be a very dangerous place to visit. Children beware!
Deceivers of any kind abound, from “wolves on sheep’s skin” to blasphemous satanic coven’s websites. A Christian’s only defense is grace given at the right time, the right place, to rescue the soul from harm.
FEEDBACK TO ARTICLESubmitted by Cavan (not verified) on Sun, 06/14/2009 – 01:24.
My reading of various Brother Ignatius Mary’s articles and comments, combined with my correspondence with him, causes me to suspect, quite strongly, that he’s a fraud. His grasp of Catholic theology is tenuous, at best.
He seems to have embraced some items that appeal to his seemingly Protestant (Baptist) background and ignored other items that conflict with that fundamentalist mindset.
The possibility that Brother Ignatius Mary could be an alternate identity for the convicted and registered sex offender Richard Lee Collete Jr. adds a new dimension to the entire matter.
Brother Ignatius Mary seems to be posing as a religious figure, seems to represent that he holds a religious degree that he does not hold, seems to believe in ghosts (an utterly un-Catholic belief), and seems to use religious arguments (or try to use them) to further an anti-Obama political agenda.
In a way, he seems to be somewhat articulate, but, upon closer examination, that perception seems to be caused by his freely quoting and paraphrasing (without attribution) various Catholic texts.
He sometimes gets carried away by not proofing what he’s written, e.g., “Objective and fundamental truths are either true or they are not; they cannot be both true and untrue at the same time” (from “Three Secret Strategies of Satan,” under “All Opinions are Equal”). Such a nonsensical statement is hardly worthy of someone who was supposedly awarded a Licentiate in Theology (from God knows where!) and is supposedly studying for a Licentiate in Sacred Theology.
If anyone is foolish enough to donate money to Brother Ignatius Mary or his so-called Order of the Legion of St. Michael, they need both legal and psychological help. As for Brother Ignatius Mary, I suspect that he not only defrauds people, but he evades taxes on his fraudulent profits.
Shame on him if he’s defrauding people and double shame on him if he doesn’t render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s!
Submitted by Maximus (not verified) on Sat, 05/30/2009 – 03:04.
I read what transacted on the site mentioned, and I am surprised what you said here does not follow what you posted on that site. You also never answered Bro. the question on what authority you have or training you received in these serious matters. The kettle calls the pot black.
Now, according to St. Francis deSales, when someone slanders or libels us, we are to give a calm reply to testify to the truth. If the slanderer accepts the truth, praise God. If the slanderer continues his lies, then accept it as mortification, which is good for the soul.
The following points out the truths and the errors of Mr. Literatus’ statements and replaces the errors with the facts.
ZOSIMO: …allegedly owned by a so-called Order of the Legion of St. Michael. It is co-founded by one Bro. John-Paul Ignatius Mary, OLSM, supposedly a Baptist preacher who converted to Catholicism.
OBSERVATION: Again, the standard and well-known rhetoric of detractors and uncharitable people is to pepper in their narratives with pejorative adjectives such as “allegedly” and “supposedly” about things that are not under dispute. We have seen this tactic used in many situations. It seems to be a favorite tactic to solicit doubt in the readers, and anger in the victim. But, it is merely what is called a Liberal Tactic of Obfuscation to divert attention away from the real issues, in this case, by casting unwarranted and silly aspersions.
ZOSIMO: The story was about a nun who performed deliverance on a large mango tree inhabited by a huge, furry demon near the house of Fr. Jocis’ brother, and was attacked by the demon. The reaction of the other long-standing members of the forum (which I suspected later to be just one person using different names) sounded like a sneer on the crucifix being used, a belittling of the nun, with an implication that their method of deliverance was much better than the nun’s.
FACT: It is another standard tactic to allege that posters are merely one person posting under many names. We wonder if the detractors cannot stand the thought that the object of their hatred might have many supportive people on their side? This tactic has also been seen many times in many situations. The fact is that our BBS has safeguards installed that help to prevent people from joining under several names. While no system is perfect, it usually does not take long for an impostor to be exposed by his own behavior should someone defeat the checks. In this case, the members who posted their opinions that inspired Mr. Literatus’ attacks are both known to us personally — one was the administrator of the BBS. We can assure you that they are two separate people and the others after Mr. Literatus’ insults were also individuals. But, again, this is a standard act of hateful people. They accuse (the devil’s specialty) just out of the blue without anything to base it upon.
The comments of the members did not belittle anyone, but did question the methods of the nun. In Deliverance work there are several different methodologies. Some are better than others, there are honest disagreements between brethren about which method to use. In this case, the approach was more typical of the Charismatic Renewal methodologies, which we, and many priest-exorcists, do find problematic at times. Nevertheless, the correct response for Mr. Literatus would be to explain his view and the methodology employed and have a discussion to resolve any misunderstandings. But, Mr. Liberatus did not do that, but went immediately into abuse, which was the sole reason for his ouster. See the transcripts linked above to see how the discussion progressed.
ZOSIMO: Their Brother also sounded more like an authoritative “exorcist” than Fr. Jocis, Manila’s official exorcist. My “spider sense” buzzed.
FACT: Brother Ignatius does have more than twenty-years of experience in deliverance, including counseling with demonized people, conducting workshops and seminars, consulting with law enforcement, and training others in deliverance counseling. His views, however, and the views and approach of the SPCDC are modeled after the advice and information from Fr. Amorth, exorcist of Rome, and other exorcists such as Fr. Tom Euteneuer of HLI, Fr. Jose Fortea, Fr. Michael Scanlan, Chancellor and former President at Franciscan University in Steubenville . In our training materials we use the writings from those mentioned above and from people like Father Benedict Groeschel and others listed in our Faculty Resources. Other authorities we look to include Cardinal Suenens, theologian Dr. Peter Kreeft, St. Thomas Aquinas and other saints, Fr. Jordan Aumann, and yes, even Fr. Jose Syquia who Mr. Literatus quoted (we have his book, Exorcism: Encounters with the Paranormal and the Occult). We also look to and are obedient to the various Church documents on the subject, including the restrictions on deliverance apostolates promulgated in 1985, and the Instructions on Healing Prayer in 2000 both by Cardinal Ratzinger as prefect of the Doctrine on the Faith, now Pope Benedict XVI. We stand on the rock of the Church, which is the only place we can be standing.
ZOSIMO: I felt I was not talking to a Catholic, but a malevolent persons instead. So I started asking questions about the brother’s ordination bishop, specific day the brother was authorized by the bishop or the Holy See to start a religious order, etc. But no answer came, and surprisingly the questions I posted got splurged and disappeared from the forum records (by the brother administrator’s wizardry).
FACT: Here we see another irresponsible “accusation” . Mr. Literatus accuses us of more than not being Catholic, he accuses us of being malevolent. What this is based upon is anybody’s guess. Perhaps it is because the members did not accept his view on face value? As to Mr. Liberatus’ “questions”, those questions were accusations and attacks in the context in which they were asked. We never respond to questions that are veiled or not so veiled attacks. The questions he refers to are: “To whom did he professed his private vow? To a bishop? Is he authorized by the Church to start an Order?” The questions themselves are innocent in a different context and have been answered happily many times. But, this was in the context of Mr. Literatus attacking us and trying to bring aspersion upon Brother rather than having the integrity to discuss the issues. This technique is also a Liberal Tactics of Obfuscation. The peppering comments such as “the members are all one person, or the allegedly and supposedly language are also obfuscation attempts. These are all designed to obfuscate (divert attention) away from the real issues.
On this particular questions, however, the answers have been published on our Website since 1997. (See Status in the Church and Discussion of Theological and Canonical Considerations).
As to ordination, Brother Ignatius is not a priest or deacon and thus he is not ordained and never claimed to be ordained. As to the permission to start a religious association, canon law gives us, and anyone, the right to form associations, including for religious perfection. (see the documents linked in the previous paragraphs).
ZOSIMO: I e-mailed a query to the Rev. Martin Amos, Bishop of Davenport (Iowa) where the order has an official address and the brother supposedly resided. Bishop Amos replied: “The Order of the Legion of St. Michael is unknown and has no connection with the Diocese of Davenport.” (Check faithcop.wordpress.com for more info on this group.)
TRUE: We have never claimed any association with any diocese. This fact is not only in the Status of the Church documents but is written on our home page for all to read.
As for Faith Cop, we have already responded to the libels and lies of whomever that person is. We do notice a large similarity in style of writing between Mr. Literatus and Faith Cop. Perhaps they are the same person, or perhaps Faith Cop is where Mr. Literatus gleaned his remarks.
Then we have a comment to the article:Cavan (not verified) on Sun, 06/14/2009 – 01:24.
CAVAN: My reading of various Brother Ignatius Mary’s articles and comments, combined with my correspondence with him, causes me to suspect, quite strongly, that he’s a fraud. His grasp of Catholic theology is tenuous, at best.
QUESTION: Where’s the beef (evidence)? In what way was Brother’s grasp of Catholic theology flawed? Please point it out specifically. These hateful people never, that is never, provide any proof of their accusations. We challenge anyone to find the flaws in theology by Bro. Ignatius. If there are any, Bro. Ignatius will be happy to correct them.
CAVAN: He seems to have embraced some items that appeal to his seemingly Protestant (Baptist) background and ignored other items that conflict with that fundamentalist mindset.
OBSERVATION: We, and many people, have noticed that whenever a person disagrees with or doesn’t like a convert to the faith the obfuscation technique of “his Protestant background” is used. What this usually means is that the convert is a more loyal Catholic than the accuser. In almost every case that we have witnessed of this technique the accuser is a “liberal” Catholic and thus associates loyalty and orthodoxy with fundamentalism.
CAVAN: Brother Ignatius Mary seems to be posing as a religious figure, seems to represent that he holds a religious degree that he does not hold, seems to believe in ghosts (an utterly un-Catholic belief), and seems to use religious arguments (or try to use them) to further an anti-Obama political agenda.
FACT: Here Mr. Cavin is revealing his ignorance of Catholic belief as the Bible itself mentions ghosts, orthodox theologians like Peter Kreeft write about ghosts, as do the saints. Of course we have to define the word ghost. Brother has done that borrowing on the work of Peter Kreeft, St. Thomas Aquinas, and the Bible in his essay, Seven Kinds of Ghosts.
And the coup de grâce of Cavin’s mindset in his comment about Brother’s position on Obama (which is also the position of hundreds of bishops, by the way). The Obama issue involves objective facts that his political agenda is immoral and even evil (e.g., on abortion). Only a liberal would make such a statement. Thus, Mr. Cavin’s comments are of little consequence.
CAVAN: He sometimes gets carried away by not proofing what he’s written, e.g., “Objective and fundamental truths are either true or they are not; they cannot be both true and untrue at the same time” (from “Three Secret Strategies of Satan,” under “All Opinions are Equal”).
OBSERVATION: Again a coup de grâce. Those who are loyal and orthodox Catholics, and all others who have integrity, will agree with the statement quoted. The sentence was proofed and it stands perfect as written. We live in a world where people think opinions are all that matters and there is no objective truth. But, truth is not dependent upon our opinions, including Mr. Cavins.
The other comment attached to the article points out the disingenuous nature of Mr. Literatus:
MAXIMUS: I read what transacted on the site mentioned, and I am surprised what you said here does not follow what you posted on that site. You also never answered Bro. the question on what authority you have or training you received in these serious matters. The kettle calls the pot black.
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