The Detractor Malefactor Chronicle - Ken Deel
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August 2009 (17) Posted on 08-16-2009 Ken Deel Filed Under (Ken Deel) Ken Deel is a buddy of Fr. Ashcraft and is closely associated with the ghost busting and paranormal investigator crowd. Mr. Deel has a radio show to which Bro. Ignatius was a guest on a couple of occasions. When Bro. Ignatius warned our BBS members about what Fr. Ashcraft was doing on our SPCDC BBS, he also mentioned Ken Deel by saying: Ken Deel is certainly more Catholic [than Fr. Ashcraft] but runs around with the Ghost Hunting crowd, Lorraine Warren, and other problematic people. His site and radio show is sometimes reminiscent of the Art Bell show. He needs to abandon the errors of the wacko crowd and focus on his Catholic faith. As a result of this comment, Mr. Ken Deel sent the following email to Joe Meineke. See Our Response after Mr. Deel’s letter:
I just got word that Brother Ingatius is attacking me on his site. I ask why? I chose to remain silent and not tell you and others as I wanted about the supposed BROTHER IGNATIUS (Richard Lee Collett Jr.) YOU NEED TO READ ALL OF THIS. DON’T BE BLINDED BY HIS LIES. First, as I read what he posted about me, my radio show, my website, and a Priest. (No wonder why NO MONKS or Priests are on his site?) Let me ask you. Is he forthcoming that: This conviction was 2 counts, for possession AND distribution? Yes DISTRIBUTION, is when you are exchanging photos with others. -MANY OTHER charges were set against him, but it was reduced to these 2 convictions. -He was convicted in 2005:;=&lastone= -He did Jail time from 2005- to sometime in 2006. I can validate this from his site content alone, he stopped updating his site for that time. And didn’t reply to e-mails, etc. -According to sources, a girl, a minor, testified against him in court. If he just had pictures how would this happen? This was related to anotehr charge agaisnt him, rememebr he was convcted of 2, charged with many. -If he started a PORN ADDICTION group in 1998, how did he get caught with pictures in the least in 2005???? He is clearly stilla ddicted to porn after 1998 and 2001. -That None of the Archdiocese thus far has heard of him or his order. -His house is only a four room house, how is this a suppose monastery? The fact he weighs 420 lbs, (Double my weight) my friends said that alone is a red flag of fraud. NO MONK ORDER would allow one to eat himself into such a condition (I.e. Gluttony) The porn habit fits because he is not a model of self control. People are merely addicted to porn they are sex addicts. I picture a man who spends all day lying in bed or in an Easy chair, while surfing the net. Every indication that he lives entirely alone. And he calls me and Father J Bad Catholic. See the points? A Hypocrite at that as well. (Did you notice how I said nothing before of this and I only asked that my account be deleted on those forums? When I am forced to defend myself I will make validate pints from facts. You shouldn’t be so loyal that you will ignore these facts, and your a good guy, you didn’t want me to incorrectly call you Brother Meineke, Brother Ignatius is anything but a valid catholic, and he belongs to no order. Where is his proof?? Check it out yourself, you enver met the man in person, easy to lie and pass yourself off as something else on teh web. So far he has really done a job well of playing Catholic monk CALL THE ARCHDIOCESE for yourself, and when you validate the info, go start your own mission for God don’t let the supposed Brother drag you down. Before you disregrad this e-mail blindly. Do your own research and Tell me, you did NOT validate anything that was said here. Look at his house, the AERIAL photograph of his address show a smaller four room one story house. Hey don’t be too surprised. I run into this far too often already. Basically his post only answered to what he thinks other people know, such as the persobn who was supposed to have blackmailed him, they don’t know what I know for example. I removed teh radio show archives soon after but I had to have to truth! It’s out there ALA the freedom of informationa ct , through the church resoruces, Police records, court docs etc. You catch him ‘misrepresenting’ the truth in one thing he recently said, you shoudl trust him at all until YOU do your own research and find out the truth for yourself. Don’t beleive in what he says. Look into yourself and ask him why he left that info out. I was single for 38 years and never went into the internet thing since I have been on the net since 1995, and with kids/teens. Yet he calls me a bad Catholic, critisizing a priest and my work? Wake up! We know them by their fruits, he is no model of self control. The man is heavy with Lust, pride, Gluttony, etc. things that don’t aamke a him a Good christian or a Good Catholic and don’t buy into he act as a supposed monk, anyone can Act on the internety, put on a costume and be anything they want to be. Jimmy Baker used to give moving speeches, and all the while he was perverted. Please rea dthis before jumpiong on gteh abnd wagon of blind people, with Ignatius, and do teh research to learn the real truth. God bless you, and your cause,
________________________ According to St. Francis deSales, when someone slanders or libels us, we are to give a calm reply to testify to the truth. If the slanderer accepts the truth, praise God. If the slanderer continues his lies, then accept it as mortification, which is good for the soul. The following points out the truths and the errors of Mr. Deel’s statements and replaces the errors with the facts. ________________________ RESPONSE DEEL: This conviction was 2 counts, for possession AND distribution? Yes DISTRIBUTION, is when you are exchanging photos with others. FALSE: Bro. Ignatius was charged on ten counts (ten pictures) of possession, not distribution, of child pornography. Only two of those pictures actually proved to be child pornography (of teenage girls). Thus, he plead guilty on those two counts, taking responsibility for his actions. This was accepted by the court. DEEL: MANY OTHER charges were set against him, but it was reduced to these 2 convictions. FALSE: There were no other charges except for those ten pictures. DEEL: He was convicted in 2005: TRUE DEEL: He did Jail time from 2005- to sometime in 2006. TRUE: Bro. Ignatius served one year in prison from February 2005 to February 2006. He was on Parole for 20 month and discharged 16 months early because he was very low risk and successfully completed therapy, passed all polygraphs, and conducted himself without blemish on parole. DEEL: According to sources, a girl, a minor, testified against him in court. If he just had pictures how would this happen? This was related to anotehr charge agaisnt him, rememebr he was convcted of 2, charged with many. FALSE: There were no witnesses at all in court. There was no trial. Bro. Ignatius waved a trial and plead guilty. There was no girl. He was never accused of, nor did he ever touch anyone. There were no charges, allegations, or suspicions against him except for the ten pictures. DEEL: If he started a PORN ADDICTION group in 1998, how did he get caught with pictures in the least in 2005???? He is clearly stilla ddicted to porn after 1998 and 2001. TRUE: Bro. Ignatius started the addiction recovery group because he was addicted and knew that many other people were too, and there was no support group on the Internet for Catholics at the time. A support group was a logical step for addicted people, including for Bro. Ignatius, to get support to overcome their additions. Bro. Ignatius’ addiction was to pornography in general, adult pornography, not to child pornography. Downloading any pictures of underage teen girls was rare (but no matter how rare, it was still illegal). The police case was based on the fact that Bro. Ignatius accessed a website in 2001 that included both adult and child pornography. He was not actually investigated until 2004. In between 2001 and 2004 he was still addicted, but was slowly resolving that addiction. The shock of the police knocking on his door slapped him square in the face. Although the addiction was all but broken by January 2004, before the police came, the investigation certainly knock it out completely. Brother still had to pay the price, however, for past behavior and thus plead guilty in court a year later. Bro. Ignatius relates the experience, I thank God that I was investigated and arrested. It knocked the addiction right out of me; and, as I mentioned before, the offering of my suffering of going to prison to God saved my mother’s life. I have no regrets about being arrested and imprisoned. It saved not only my mother’s life, but my own soul, and has helped a couple of other people back in prison to whom I became their spiritual director. DEEL: That None of the Archdiocese thus far has heard of him or his order. TRUE: Brother has not contacted the Bishop as yet, nor is he required to contact him according a canon lawyer . Brother will make contact do so eventually when the time is right. DEEL: His house is only a four room house, how is this a suppose monastery? TRUE: St. Michael House is not a monastery and was never touted as a monastery. It is a hermitage house with three rooms and a bath/laundry room. DEEL: The fact he weighs 420 lbs, (Double my weight) my friends said that alone is a red flag of fraud. NO MONK ORDER would allow one to eat himself into such a condition (I.e. Gluttony) FALSE: At the writing of this response Brother weighs 433 pounds. He has lost 20 pounds recently from losing water that was retaining in his body due to his illnesses and medication. He probably has more water to lose. Brother’s weight is primarily caused from inactivity because he is a 100% permanently disabled Veteran on small VA pension and not able to be physically active. We would suggest, however, that if weight was some sort of disqualifying factor then St. Thomas Aquinas was a fraud since he was so fat that he cut a half-moon in the supper table so he could sit closer to the table. DEEL: Every indication that he lives entirely alone. TRUE: Brother is a hermit, not a monk. Hermits tend to live alone. But, once we can build on to the house we will recruit for another hermit brother or two. Hermits do sometimes live together in a Hermitage House, which is different than a monastery. DEEL: And he calls me and Father J Bad Catholic. FALSE: Brother made no such remark in his comments about Father Ashcraft’s site or in his comments about Mr. Deel. To begin with Father Ashcraft is not a Catholic priest, he is anglican/orthodox/independent Priest. Brother said of Mr. Deel that he runs around with people who are problematic and he ought to concentrate on his Catholic faith. DEEL: Brother Ignatius is anything but a valid catholic, and he belongs to no order. Where is his proof?? FALSE: Brother was confirmed in the Catholic Faith at the Easter Vigil in 1993 by Bishop Bullock at the St. Ambrose Cathedral in Des Moines, Iowa, and he is in good standing with the Church. Brother offers a binding oath of fidelity to the Pope and Magisterium. The Order of the Legion of St. Michael was born on December 12, 1993 with the permission of a priestly adviser. A year later we added a hermit expression. Brother took first vows and was invested in the habit in 1995 before a Catholic priest during Mass with the full knowledge of the Vicar General of the Diocese. Over the years canon lawyers, a bishop or two, many priests, and documents from the Congregation on Consecrated Life have been consulted by us, or by others in similar circumstances. These sources confirm what one canon lawyer said of us, that our group falls within the exercise of those rights and obligations (of the Christian faithful outlined in canons 208-223). While such groups enjoy a lawful autonomy this must be carried out within the parameters of canon 223. DEEL: Check it out yourself, you enver met the man in person, easy to lie and pass yourself off as something else on teh web. So far he has really done a job well of playing Catholic monk FACT: Mr. Deel was talking to Joe Meineke here. The summer of 2008 Brother spent one week with Joe at his house in Ohio. Rebecca, the SPCDC BBS administrator, was also present in Ohio for about four days of that week. Brother spent another week with Joe when he lived in the Kansas City area. In addition, Joe and Brother have spent well over a couple thousand hours on the phone since 2001. According to Brother, Joe knows me better than any other individual on the planet — even counting my parents. DEEL: Basically his post only answered to what he thinks other people know, such as the persobn who was supposed to have blackmailed him, they don’t know what I know for example. FALSE: In the thread that talked about Father J and the blackmail attempt by Just Bill, Brother specifically said that he was just giving the basic story, but that basic story tells the all pertinent facts in question. Mr. Deel’s assertions are fantasy. Brother has no problem telling every detail of the story. In fact, he is working on a book that tells about his conversion to the Catholic Church and his spiritual journey. It will include a complete account of his arrest and prison time. If Mr. Deel thinks he knows something, then he ought to say so. We would advise him, however, in order to avoid a libel suit he will need provide documentary evidence for his assertions (including those already made). DEEL: I removed teh radio show archives soon after but I had to have to truth! It’s out there ALA the freedom of informationa ct , through the church resoruces, Police records, court docs etc. TRUE: Brother’s crime is on public record. But, we challenge Mr. Deel to actually read the court documents instead of listening to rumors. If he did he would find that he is in error on many things and has committed the crime of calumny and rash judgment. DEEL: You catch him ‘misrepresenting’ the truth in one thing he recently said, you shoudl trust him at all until YOU do your own research and find out the truth for yourself. FACT: Neither Brother nor the Legion of St. Michael have ever misrepresented anything. The disclaimer about the status of our Order was the first web page written after the home page on April 5, 1997, the first day our website went online. There has never been any secret to how Brother lives, where he lives, or his status in the Church. Brother’s arrest and prison time has never been a secret. As soon as it happened Joe Meineke and Francis Patrick Mary, currently the provost of OLSM, was immediately informed. Brother voluntarily resigned as Superior and the Francis took over as Provost. Brother also informed the over 400 people on the Catholic Support Group for Sexual Addition Recovery and sent letters to all members of the OLSM. The Board of Directors, which includes Joe Meineke, then placed Brother on disciplinary restrictions and probation for four years, which he willingly accepted and completed successfully. Some of those restrictions included the requirement that Covenant Eyes always be on his computers for the rest of his life. The Council also directed that he not wear the habit without permission during the four year probation period, among other measures. Although this event was already public, the one final act was to make a specific public statement to the general public, which was to happen later in the year. It happened sooner because of these detractors, but that is okay, Brother does not mind. DEEL: We know them by their fruits, he is no model of self control. TRUE: Brother has never claimed to be a model of a saint. He has always told us that he is the worst of sinners and that no one ought to look to him as a model. Brother has a great deal of self-control today, but not enough; he is still working on it. His primary lack of self-control today is in the pride of impatience in certain areas. Note: Mr. Deal wrote a book called, The Catholic Demonologist Handbook. On page 69 he states: Little know fact, if you flat-line and die, you need to be re-baptized, partly because of the simple exorcism built into it. This is a heresy. The Catechism states: 1272 Incorporated into Christ by Baptism, the person baptized is configured to Christ. Baptism seals the Christian with the indelible spiritual mark (character) of his belonging to Christ. No sin can erase this mark, even if sin prevents Baptism from bearing the fruits of salvation. Given once for all, Baptism cannot be repeated. The veracity of Mr. Deel is in serious question, not only from his libels but from teaching things contrary to the Dogma of the Sacrament of Baptism. Comments Off Read More
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