A Case of a AnalRetentive Man?
SATURDAY OF THE TWELFTH WEEK OF ORDINARY TIME +Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus +Feast of the First Martrys of the Church of Rome (64) My Beloved: This man in an Hawaiian shirt is so upset about a fellow passenger eating a burrito on the train that he confronts the offender. The man even calls for the police when the offender did not get off the train or stop eating. The incident happened yesterday (Friday) about 6 p.m. on the Dublin/Pleasanton line near the Fruitvale station in Oakland, California. The video was captured by a R0b815 on his cellphone and uploaded to Reddit. One of the passengers says, You should smile. Another passenger says, You eat your burrito ‘bro’ – enjoy that sh*t. The man who was eating the burrito eventually stands up to exit at his station. The upset man seems pleased the man got off the train saying, now he can go eat. A case of a man with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder? Reported by KTVU Oakland Your Miserable Servant, Brother Bubba