Camelot Warfare Library - Exorcised Holy Salt
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Exorcised Holy Salt
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Spiritual Warfare Catalog Entry Return to Catalog Index Exorcised Holy Salt This Rite of Blessing of Salt is used- outside of the Rite of Blessing of Holy Waterwhich incorporates the blessing of salt in preparation for the blessing of water. [While the ordinary blessing of water and salt found in the current Book of Blessings is efficacious because it is an approved blessing form by the Church, for purposes of use in spiritual warfare and deliverance we prefer the extraordinary form of the blessing, which is what is found below.] A priest must bless the salt. V. The Lord be with you. -„Ÿ. And with your spirit. Let Us Pray. O God, Creator unconquerable, invincible King, Victor ever-glorious, Who did hold in check the forces bent on dominating us, Who did overcome the cruelty of the raging enemy, Who did in Thy power beat down the wicked foe: Humbly and fearfully do we pray to Thee, O Lord, and we ask Thee to look with favor on this salt which Thou has created. Shine on it with the light of Thy kindness. Sanctify it by the dew of Thy love, so that, through the invocation of Thy holy name, wherever this- salt is sprinkled it may turn aside every attack of the unclean spirit and dispel the terror of the poisonous serpent. And wherever we may be, make the Holy Spirit present to us who now implore Thy mercy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. -„Ÿ. Amen. P: Our help is in the name of the Lord. -„Ÿ. Who made heaven and earth. Exorcism God’s creature, salt, I cast out the demon from you by the living + God, by the true + God, by the holy + God, by God who ordered you to be thrown into the water-spring by Eliseus to heal it of its barrenness. May you be a purified salt, a means of health for those who believe, a medicine for body and soul for all who make use of you. May all evil fancies of the foul fiend, his malice and cunning, be driven afar from the place where you are sprinkled. And let every unclean spirit be repulsed by Him who is coming to judge both the living and the dead and the world by fire. -„Ÿ. Amen. Let us pray. Almighty everlasting God, we humbly appeal to your mercy and goodness to graciously bless + this creature, salt, which you have given for mankind’s use. May all who use it find in it a remedy for body and mind. And may everything that it touches or sprinkles be freed from uncleanness and any influence of the evil spirit; through Christ our Lord. -„Ÿ. Amen. Let us pray. God, source of irresistible might and king of an invincible realm, the ever-glorious conqueror; who restrain the force of the adversary, silencing the uproar of his rage, and valiantly subduing his wickedness; in awe and humility we beg you, Lord, to regard with favor this creature thing of saltr, to let the light of your kindness shine upon it, and to hallow it with the dew of your mercy; so that wherever it is sprinkled and your holy name is invoked, every assault of the unclean spirit may be baffled, and all dread of the serpent’s venom be cast out. To us who entreat your mercy grant that the Holy Spirit may be with us wherever we may be; through Christ our Lord. -„Ÿ. Amen. Exorcised Holy Incense Blessing of St. Benedict Medal -->
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