Family and Parenting
Family and Parenting Address to the Meeting of the Adoptive Families Organized by the Missionaries of CharityJohn Paul IISeptember 5, 2000 Anthropological and Ethical Thoughts on Whether Domestic Partnerships Should Have Same Legal Status as the FamilyCardinal Dionigi TettamanziArchbishop of Genoa, ItalySeptember 30, 1998 Beginning at HomeMary Perkins Published by the Bruce Publishing Company in 1947. A book for parents to 'educate' their children in Christian culture. Covers the Christian pattern, our neighbors, things, places, work, training for life's work and play, vocations, redeeming the time, sex education and attaining our ideals. Includes study questions and discussion topics at the end of each chapter. Blessing for ChildrenCCDIncludes blessing for a sick child. Catechizing the New PagansSr. M. Anastasia Children arriving at high school age today are often found to be on a level of religious ignorance comparable with that of the ancient pagans. This article appeared in the August/ September 1995 issue of The Homiletic & Pastoral Review. Educational Guidance in Human LoveCongregation for Catholic EducationIssued by the Congregation for Catholic Education on the subject of sex education and moral education of young people. November 1, 1983. Gratissimam SaneJohn Paul II1994-Year of the FamilyFebruary 2, 1994 The Guidance Approach to DisciplineDeb GebekeDiscipline is not punishment. It is a means of helping the child learn acceptable ways to deal with personal feelings and desires. Punishment, on the other hand, is a reaction to misbehavior that is usually hurtful and may even be unrelated to the misbehavior. Punishment is ineffective because it does not teach appropriate behavior. Though it may prevent a repeat of the behavior in the short term, it does not teach the child what to do instead, so it rarely works in the long term. Punishment may release the parent's angry feelings and make the parent feel better, but it can create fear or humiliation in the child, and rarely leads to the creation of a respectful relationship. Helping Your Child Learn Responsible BehaviorEdwin J. and Alice B. DelattreThis booklet focuses on practical suggestions for helping young children appreciate the importance of acting responsibly in their everyday lives. Further, it provides ideas on how to help them make responsible choices, and stick with them, even when doing so is hard and the material rewards are few. Also discusses habits of fairness, respect, courage, honesty, and compassion that responsible people share. How to Create a Delinquent in 12 Easy LessonsFather Hal Stockert Insights on the Issues of Dating and CourtshipSheila Matgen KippleyFrom homeschooling magazine, October 1994-January 1995. Gives parents advice and a review of basics on how to help their 'children negotiate the trials of adolescence and young adult boy-girl friendships without sinning or leading others into sin.' Myth of the TeenagerMichael PlattWhile the growing-up process is inevitable, natural, and God-given, the process of children turning into Teenagers is not. The Teenager was invented, fashioned, permitted-let loose you might say-by the generation of our parents and grandparents. Discovering that may help us to raise our children differently. Nine Steps to Effective ParentingKidsHealthRaising children is one of the toughest and most fulfilling jobs in the world-and the one for which you may feel the least prepared. Here are some ways to tackle your child-rearing responsibilities that will help you feel more fulfilled as a parent, and enjoy your children more, too. Preparing Children for the Sacraments: Some Controversies and Suggestionsby Edward Peters, JCDArticle about canonical requirements for the reception of the sacraments. Taken from the May/June 1996 issue of The Catholic Faith Principles for Christian Dating: A Young Catholic Man's PerspectiveAndrew SchmediekeFrom homeschooling magazine, October 1994-January 1995. Gives 'parents some rules, supports, and habits to encourage in their teenage children who are experiencing their attraction to the opposite sex in a new and heightened way.' The Ten CommandmentsMichael HainsA brief discription of the, the Ten Commandments, what they enjoin and what the forbid. Suitable for children. The Truth and Meaning of Human SexualityGuidelines for Education within the FamilyPontifical Council for the FamilyAmong the many difficulties parents encounter today, despite different social contexts, one certainly stands out: giving children an adequate preparation for adult life, particularly with regard to education in the true meaning of sexuality.December 8, 1995 Walk in the Light: A Pastoral Response to Child Sexual AbuseNational Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic ConferenceA Statement by the Bishops' Committees on Women in Society and in the Church and Marriage and Family When I Call for Help: A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against WomenNational Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic ConferenceBishops' Committee on Marriage and Family Life Bishops' Committee on Women in Society and in the Church Affirmed by the NCCB/USCC General Membership National Conference of Catholic Bishops Why Are We Losing Teens to Drugs?Edwin J. and Alice B. DelattreDispelling the Marijuana Myth, Why No Accountability?, What's Wrong with Drug Ed Courses?July 2000 Updated: November 19, 2000