Fr. Stephen A. Privett, S.J. and the Vagina Monologues
Fr. Stephen A. Privett, S.J., President of University of San Francisco, is inducted into the Hall of Shame for perverted support and defense of the Vagina Monologues. Matthew Archbold, in his LifeSiteNews article, At least ten Catholic colleges will host Vagina Monologues in 2014, observes: The Monologues seriously distorts human sexuality and celebrates sinful behaviors, including lesbian activity and masturbation. One scene even declares a lesbian rape of a teenage girl her salvation which raised her into a kind of heaven. Father Privett, in an 2013 interview, defended the play and seemingly compared it to a nativity play. How perverted can one be? The Monologues not only proposes and supports moral depravity and sin, but behavior that degrades the human person, and perverts the soul. This is straight out of hell itself. That at least ten Catholic colleges, or student groups or other groups approved by the colleges, are hosting this depravity is a major scandal. Those colleges are: The College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass Georgetown University Women's Center in Washington, D.C. DePaul University in Chicago Bellarmine University in Louisville, Ky Saint Louis University (Mo.) Loyola University New Orleans (La.) Loyola University Chicago (Ill.) Saint Mary's College of California Seattle University (Wash.) Santa Clara University's does not appear to have scheduled the Monologues in 2014 as of this date, but the University has hosted the Monologues numerous times in recent years, according to Matthew Archbold’s article. We call upon the bishops of those colleges to order the colleges to cancel these productions upon pain of sin and formal censure or even expulsion of the name of Catholic from that school. Any bishop who does not do this is an accomplice to this sin, depravity, and scandal. We also call upon Fr. Privett’s superiors to censure him for his perverted remarks and support of this depraved play.