Spiritual Warfare Forum: Join Us for Prayers at 3am Halloween
Join Us for Prayers at 3am Halloween
ANNOUNCEMENT by John-Paul Ignatius, OLSM on October 29, 2002 Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Halloween is Thursday.
I would first like to direct your attention to an essay I wrote on Should Christian Participate in Halloween?
On Halloween there are many satanist and occultist perform rituals that include human victims.
3 am is the witching hour because it is the backwards of 3pm which was the time of Jesus' death.
This each year we offer a 20 minute prayer meeting live in a chatroom.
You are invited to join us at 3am Central Time (USA) (-6 GMT) on Thursday Morning and again on Friday morning.
We will be praying for all those caught in evil and for their victims.
The meeting will be on Paltalk
If you are not signed up with Paltalk, you can download the client at the above address. It is free.
I would advise that you do this well in advance so you can get it installed and working. If you use a firewall you may have to turn it down to MEDIUM security to get the VOICE function to work.
The Paltalk chatroom is VOICE and Text. You may listen to the prayers and talk live if you have a sound card and a microphone; or just listen if your dont have a microphone but you do have speakers and then talk by typing into the chat window.
If you only have the capacity to type into a chat window and do not have sound or a microphone, we will be posting the prayers in the text window for you to read with us.
Once you log into Paltalk, go to the Christianity Group and then look for the chatroom called, Praying on Halloween.
Hope to see you in the room.
Bro Ignatius
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