Faith/Spirituality Forum: Our Lady Feast Days
Our Lady Feast Days QUESTION from Arthur Joynt on September 14, 2002 My daughters live in the Oakville area near Toronto in Canada. Seldom if ever are any of our Lady's feast days celebrated. In fact mention of them is not made at Sunday mass if they full during the following week and if one falls on the Sunday no mention is made of it. This drought of attention seems to us very strange especially as the Pope makes his devotion to Our Lady very clear. Is there no obligation on priests to further the understanding and devotion to Our Lady. Is it entirely up to the individual priest. Two years ago I was in Oakville for an important feast day which fell on the Sunday. I spoke to the priest after mass and he said that as it fell on a Sunday it would be celebrated on the Monday. I asked why it was then not announced and he did not reply. He also failed to tell me that his parish with 2 priests does not celebrate mass on a Monday as they have had such a trying time saying masses on a Sunday. As I do not live in Canada I let the matter slide. But now that my grandchildren are reaching the impressionable age I am most concerned that even at the Catholic schools there seems to be little Marian teaching. Thanking you and God Bless, Arthur Joynt
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, OLSM on September 17, 2002 Dear Mr. Joynt:
Canada, in my view, has been in trouble a long time in terms of the respect for devotions by the priests and bishops.
There are only two Holy Days of Obligation in Canada. The U.S. has six; Universal Church has ten.
If I were you, I would teach your grandchildren, and encourage their parents, to develop these devotions on their own. Just because our Parish does not celebrate a feast day, does not mean we cannot.
Note the feast days with special activities. Say a portion of the Divine Office maybe; or note the day with a novena or other prayers that mark the particular Feast.
It is a shame of what is happening in Canada (and the U.S.) but we can still honor our Lady by developing our own family traditions and celebrations.
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