Expert Answer Forum
Calling QUESTION from Michael July 6, 2000 I feel I am being called to become a Deacon. I have felt this calling strongly all this year. I have become to pray for a better understanding of this call and for discernment . I am 33 years old, married, and have three young children. I am a devout Roman Catholic. Do you have any suggestions for me. I just don't know if I am imagining this call or if it is real.
Any help is appreciated.
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, O.L.S.M. on September 7, 2000 Dear Mr. Michael:
Go visit the Vocations Director at your diocese chancery. They will help you to begin the discernment process of whether your are called or not to be a deacon.
Don't worry, there are not fast commitments. The diocese will take you through a lot of discernment proceses even before you enter the deacon program. Then once in the program you will have 3-4 years or more, depending on the diocese, to discern whether or not you are called.
But the first step is to contact talk to your pastor about it and then talk to the diocese Vocations Office.
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