Divine Office Forum: psalm 22
psalm 22 QUESTION from Lynn Innerst June 15, 2001 In fact, I use the 1 volume version that I have recently realized is not generally in use in North America. It is the British, Irish, etc. version. The psalms are the Grail version in my book. I think it is the same in the North American version.
For the last several months I have been praying Psalm 22, not connected with morning and evening prayers. It dawned on me that that I couldn't recall ever encounter that psalm during the 4 week morning and evening cycle or during the lent or advent season. I have looked through the book and can not find it.
The question - is it there and I am missing it?
I also have questions on Psalm 22 but this is perhaps not the place to ask the questions.
Thank you.
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, OLSM on July 4, 2001 Dear Miss Innerst:
Psalm 22 in given in the Friday Day Prayer for Week III
The One Volume Catholic Publishers Edition does not have it because that volume does not contain a complete set of Day Prayers. The Daughters of St. Paul edition does have the complete Day Prayer.
God Bless
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