Expert Answer Forum
Good and Poor book versions? QUESTION from Terry Boyle June 5, 2000 You mentioned the names of two 'single book' versions called Christian Prayer. I wish to start praying the liturgy of the hours. Are there versions 'out there' that I might want to stay away from? I don't want to purchase one that uses a Bible translation riddled with inclusive language. Thank you.
ANSWER by John-Paul Ignatius, O.L.S.M. on July 1, 2000 Dear Mr. Boyle:
Technically, the Divine Office cannot be published by anyone except by approval of the Holy See. This is to protect the integrity of the Liturgy.
The two one-volume editions that I mentioned are the only two one-volume editions in English approved by the Holy See that I know of.
The Internet Site of Universalis that you will often see linked on website uses a translation that is NOT approved. The Universalis site should not be used as a text source for the Office.
The Site DOES USE and APPROVE Translation.
The site uses a style of recitation slightly different than what we use at the Legion of St. Michael, but it is fully within the liturgical law.
I do recommend them.
Other than the two one-volume editions, there is the 4-vol edition. These three, and the site all use the APPROVED translations.
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