Liturgy & Liturgical Law Forum: 1994 Psalter
1994 Psalter QUESTION from Deacon Larry Lottier on March 4, 2002 I have just seen a couple examples of the revised English Translation of the Liturgical Psalter from 1994. I find them quite odd and different, to say the least. Is this Psalter related in any way to the one that was used in Canada and the bishops subsequently were told not to use?
Thanks you,
Deacon Larry
ANSWER by Mr. Jacob Slavek on March 10, 2002 Dear Rev. Mr. Lottier,
I am not sure of which Liturgical Psalter you are speaking.. from 1994?
The currently being used in the English Breviary is the Grail translations, and although it is beautiful poetry, it is a horrible translation on the Latin texts. Is this is what you have noticed? They are from 1963 though..
For Mass, the psalms are taken from the Revised New American Bible (psalms, 1991) then re-revised for the new Lectionary in 1998.
So I encourage you to post a follow up, maybe you could provide a sample of a psalm and we can see what's happening.
Mr. Slavek
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